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The ‘Amazing, Amazing Sabrina’

Some may call Sabrina King, RN, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, a guiding light, an empathetic friend, and a resilient caretaker. A patient’s mother summed up Sabrina in one word: Amazing. Sabrina recently received a DAISY Award for her care of a young patient and his family during a tragic series of events that led to the patient’s death. A colleague nominated Sabrina for the impact she had on the family and the team. Read the full story below.

“Over the past several shifts, I have had the great privilege of handing off care with Sabrina for a very complex patient whom had failed brain-death tests and was awaiting organ procurement for donation.

“This case was especially heavy due to concern for non-accidental trauma and the need for involvement of a medical examiner, detectives, social workers, etc.

“While caring for this patient and his family, I was able to witness tremendous care firsthand but also hear testimonies through his mother about the ‘amazing, amazing’ Sabrina. Nothing can prepare you to walk through butterfly decorated doors to greet a grieving mother, but having Sabrina walk ahead of you with all of her skill and strength can make it a heck of a lot easier!

“I’m grateful for Sabrina for a number of reasons:

“I’m not sure if there could have been a better-suited person to care for this particular mother in this circumstance. Sabrina has a magical ability to understand and anticipate exactly what a person needs without them having to try to put their feelings into words. In the time that Sabrina spent with this mom, she treated her like family and was able to help her cope through what is likely the biggest tragedy she’ll ever experience.

“This mom expressed immense gratitude for Sabrina advocating on her behalf to other team members who weren’t attuned to her wishes and acting as a mother figure for her by keeping her clothed, cleaned, fed, rested, heard, and loved. Sabrina created a safe space for this mother to process her grief and create some positive final memories with her child.

“Each day that passed seemed like an eternity as we waited for word from LifeNet Health and the medical examiner, but Sabrina never let this mom feel alone in the process and made sure that important family members were able to be at the bedside despite push back from about a billion directions. Sabrina went above and beyond the call of duty in helping the mom cope in a healthy manner by encouraging walks, creating pieces of art, talking and laughing, and being a real, genuine friend.

“The mom explained to me that this whole process was surreal and bizarre, and she was going to have difficulties trusting anyone after what had happened.

“Many people had expressed their pity and sorrow for her, and she was growing very tired of being assured that ‘everything is going to be okay.’ She said that Sabrina was the first person to be ‘real’ and treat her with empathy in a way that didn’t feel forced. She felt open to relax and knew she wasn’t expected to act any certain way in front of Sabrina. Feeling welcome to crack jokes and smile in the midst of something so heavy made the weight just that much lighter. She said, ‘This sucks, but at least through this, I’ve got you and Sabrina.’

“When the moment finally came to say our last goodbyes and take him to the operating room, Sabrina had finished giving me report but made the gracious decision to stay late to help me and our other teammates as we carefully wheeled him away. I know that this meant the world to the mother whom had grown so close to her, but it also meant the world to me. Sabrina is tough as nails but has the sweetest and most sincere heart. I can credit any ounce of strength I carried to her and the steps she laid for me to follow.”

Nomination edited for clarity.

Sabrina King, RN
Mary Dixon, Chief Nursing Officer, presents a DAISY Award to Sabrina.
Sabrina King celebrates her DAISY Award with her team. The nurse who is embracing Sabrina wrote the DAISY Award nomination.

Know a fabulous nurse?
The Professional Nursing Staff Organization honors up to two UVA RNs each month with a DAISY Award. Nominations may be submitted by patients, patient families, visitors, and fellow UVA team members. Learn more at

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