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Need a Pick-Me-Up? Check Out These Amazing Thank-You Cards!

If you read one thing today, it should be the cards below. These thank-you notes sent to the Special Pathogens Unit (SPU) are a much-needed pick-me-up during these difficult times. They're just a small sampling of the gratitude our community (and beyond) is extending to UVA Health for our efforts during the pandemic.

Special thanks to Cheryl Martin, Health Unit Coordinator, MICU, Porter Medical Intensive Care Unit, SPU, who took time to share these photos with us. She says there are two walls of cards sent from 5th graders at Our Lady of Good Counsel school in Vienna, Virginia; one wall of beautiful holiday cards with notes and letters from the UVA Law students; and a large poster of children's hands inscribed with their notes of encouragement from the local Hollymead Elementary School.

We appreciate the outpouring of concern and thanks for the heroes working on the SPU.

"We want to give you a hand for your service to our Community.

"Love, Hollymead Elementary School"

"Dear healthcare workers,

"Thank you so much for putting others before you and working day and night! I hope that you stay safe during these hard times. I appreciate you so much!"

"Thank you all health care workers for keeping us in the 'NO GERMS ZONE.'"

"Dear Health care workers,

"Thank you so much for all you do! I can not tell you how much I appreciate you! It is crazy how much time it takes to save one person and you save hundreds and thousands of lives! You help people be born and during covid-19 you risk your and your family lives to save other people!


"Okay, listen: You probably aren't the richest person ever, but you are making a difference. You probably aren't the smartest guy or girl ever, or the best looking. But I know you are selfless, kind, putting others before yourself, and you matter. You are helping those in need, and it might not be fun, but it matters that you care about others more than yourself. So whoever you are, I'm praying for you. I'm holding you in my thoughts.


"Thank you for helping!"

"Thank you !!!!!!!!!"

"Again, thank you for helping the USA with Covid-19. Ahhhh!!! I almost forgot to introduce myself!!! My name is Ronald [last name]. There, I introduced myself (finally). I got my glasses on 11-19-20. Oh well that is all I have to say. I hope you stay alive ... FOREVER!!!

"This is me. [See photo.]"

[Image of a nurse.]

"We admire your courage!"

"Hi Friend,

"My name is [name], and I am a second-year law student at UVA. Thank you so much for all that you do to support the COVID-19 units and teams in the University health system.

"Your dedication to serving Charlottesville has made it possible for me to continue my studies, and more importantly, has kept people in the community safe.

"I realize that this must be an incredibly busy (and stressful) time of the year with COVID cases, and I just wanted to say — THANK YOU!

"Your hard work does not go unnoticed and I think I speak for the law school student body when I say that we appreciate all you do for our community!"

"Dear Sir or Madam,

"I hope this letter finds you warm, well + healthy! My name is Joseph [last name] and I am a second-year student at UVA law school. I just wanted to send thanks + blessings your way for all you have done to keep our community safe during this pandemic. I have family in healthcare, + I know that you must have sacrificed in doing your job. A lot of people's lives have been made better because of you, + surely our community has. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. I do my best to follow your example + conduct myself with the public interest in mind. Thank you again!"

"Thank you!
— for your COMPASSION
— for your DEDICATION
— for your CARE"

"Thank you FOR ALL YOU DO!
Your compassion is unwavering and we will forever be grateful for your care and dedication!"

"Dear healthcare worker,

"Thank you so much for putting your patients first and helping to keep our community healthy!

"With all the potential stressors in your life, I hope you find time to focus on your own health, too!

You are needed, and you are appreciated!"

"Big Thank you to entire staff of SPICU (4S) for everything and taking such a good care of him and helping him recover to come back to have to our family."

"We are forever gratefull and thankfull!!

"Dear Healthcare Workers,

"You are in our prayers and thank you for working so hard. Thank you for helping those who are sick. Thank you for all you do to help.

"Jesus is with YOU."

"thank YOU"

"Dear Drs.

"Thank you for helping the inguerd and sick people heal. Thank you for helping coved 19 victems.

"Coved 19 will be gone because of you."

"Thank you, Healthcare Workers!"

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