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UVA Medical Center CEO Videocast | COVID-19 Response and Vaccination Updates

Dear Team Members,

I encourage you to watch a video recorded today about our COVID-19 response and vaccination programs. It offers updates about these activities and provides answers to your questions about them. We recorded this session to make it easy to share across teams and provide an opportunity to view it when your schedule allows.

As we enter new chapters of our COVID-19 response efforts and our vaccination program, which is being guided by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), we will continue to provide updates and helpful information on the COVID-19 Resources Page and in the UVA Health Update.

Thank you for your ongoing dedication and sacrifice as we continue to respond to the pandemic with expert care and compassion. Please continue to submit your questions and feedback to COVID19Questions@hscmail.mcc.virginia.


Wendy Horton, PharmD, MBA, FACHE
Chief Executive Officer | UVA Medical Center

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