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Two Breast Care Options for UVA Health Team Members

If you're 50-74 years old, you should get a mammogram every two years. If you have a high risk for breast cancer, you may need to have mammograms earlier and more often. Some experts say you should start getting mammograms every year at age 40. Talk to your healthcare provider to decide what's best for you. Team members’ screening mammograms are covered under the UVA Health plan. 

Option #1

On-Grounds Team Members | Mammograms Now Available at Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center
Mammograms are now being offered to UVA team members on the Ground Floor of the Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, and on Friday afternoons. Team members should follow COVID screening guidelines.

To schedule, call 434.243.4704. 

Remote or Offsite Team Members | Visit Our Mobile Mammogram Coach
The Mobile Mammography Coach will be available at:

To schedule, call 434.297.5202. For more information, visit

Option #2

New MRI Option for Average-Risk Women with Dense Breast Tissue | Fast Breast MRI 
The fast breast MRI is now available at two UVA Imaging locations:

Mammograms are 30-40% less sensitive in women with dense breast tissue. This makes some cancers more difficult to see. Quick and painless, fast breast MRI takes about 10 minutes. It doesn’t replace regular mammograms. Your doctor may recommend this as an extra screening tool if you have dense breast tissue or an average breast-cancer risk. 

Watch this video for more information about fast breast MRI. Talk to your healthcare provider about whether a fast breast MRI is right for you. 

To schedule, call 434.243.0321. (Phone-tree shortcut: Choose Option 1, and then choose Option 1 again.)

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