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Medical Center Reports Stable Supply of PPE

As UVA Health continues its ongoing response to COVID-19, the Medical Center is reporting an ample amount of personal protective equipment (PPE) thanks to regular shipments and expanded storage.

Adam Momper, Administrator, Supply Chain

"Over the last several months, the global supply of PPE has begun to stabilize as production has increased," says Adam Momper, Administrator, Supply Chain. "UVA Health Supply Chain has a healthy supply of critical PPE items, and we continue to work daily with our distribution partners, vendors, and others to ensure we can continue to meet the organization’s needs."

In the spring, the Medical Center secured an additional local warehouse to increase storage capacity and consolidate inventory of PPE.

The Medical Center's goal is to have at least six months of supply of critical PPE items — like masks, gowns, gloves, and eye protection — at all times. As of Aug. 18, for example, UVA Health recorded enough face shields to last 13,880 days. The organization also recorded enough isolation gowns for 11 days, but it is important to note that the number on hand is in excess of par and shipments are being received daily to maintain levels.

Medical Center Supply Chain continues to actively monitor PPE inventory and performs weekly reporting to regulatory agencies.

"With our on-hand inventory combined with improved production and distribution channels in the market, our team should remain confident," says Momper.

In addition to the PPE items that became prominent due to COVID, Supply Chain is also monitoring levels of other supplies to ensure the Medical Center remains well-stocked.

"While PPE availability has improved, we still continue to see the availability of other medical supplies being impacted by various market conditions and dynamics," says Momper. "Our team has weekly calls with our distribution partners to proactively monitor the ongoing health and availability of highly utilized items."

Thank you to Supply Chain and our other partners who make sure patients and team members remain safe!

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