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10 Photos: For Stressed Med Students, Cute Dogs Are Just What the Doctor Ordered

On Friday, Dec. 2, adorable dogs helped medical students take a break from all their worries as they prepared for their exams. UVA Health’s Claude Moore Health Sciences Library and a student group, the Aid to Medical Students Committee (ATMS), brought in cookies, cocoa, cider and canines in an event they call the “5Cs Caring Break.”

Cookies, cocoa, cider and canines — what’s the fifth C? That would be “contributions,” as the organizers are gathering donations for the local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

The dogs are part of UVA’s Pet Therapy program. The popular pooches regularly visit with patients receiving care at UVA.

Thank you to all who participated. Below are a few photos from the event.

dogs and students

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