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UVA Health, The Haven Partner to Improve Opioid-Use Disorder Care

UVA Health and The Haven — a multi-resource day shelter and housing resource center in Charlottesville — are partnering to provide opioid-use disorder care for unhoused members of the community.

Backed by a grant from the state Opioid Abatement Authority, the SmART (street medicine, access, reduction, and treatment) program has launched at The Haven. A UVA Health physician, nurse, and social worker will come to The Haven once a week, building on the services offered through an existing UVA Health clinic at The Haven. The SmART program team also will visit other locations, including additional shelters, to connect unhoused people with treatment options.

“We aim to deliver integrated and compassionate care to individuals experiencing opioid-use disorder who are otherwise unhoused and unable to seek care,” says Nassima Ait-Daoud Tiouririne, MD, a UVA Health psychiatrist and specialist in addiction medicine who is leading the program.

SmART Program Services

The program will offer comprehensive care options, including:

“The Haven is excited for the opportunity to host UVA's community-based opioid-use disorder clinic,” says Ocean Aiello, The Haven’s community engagement manager. “Harm reduction is one of our fundamental values, and we are grateful that Charlottesville residents experiencing housing instability and deep poverty will have easier access to the most strongly evidenced-based treatment of opioid addiction as a result of this partnership.”

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