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Five on Friday: Get to Know Halima Walker

We’ve launched a new Connect series called "Five on Friday.” Each week we’ll spotlight a different team member and ask them five fun questions. It's a lighthearted way to foster connections and celebrate the individuals who make up our one UVA Health team.  

Halima Walker, MSN, RN, CCRN, NEA-BC, has been a dedicated member of the UVA Health team since January 2014. She began her journey as a project coordinator for Therapy Services, and her career has evolved to her current role as an operations and logistics manager and empowerment agent for the health system. 

What is the worst food of all time?


What’s your favorite family tradition?

Putting up the Christmas tree and watching Christmas movies with my family. 

What is the best live event you have ever been to?

Hands down, it was a Rihanna concert in Baltimore. She was as magical as I imagined, and I had THE absolute best time of my life. If you don’t know, I’m a huge Rihanna fan.  

Where is your favorite place in the world?  

My bed, in true Taurus fashion. 

What’s the last photo on your camera roll? 

I have a really bad habit of taking screenshots while I am fiddling with my phone and saw this picture in my camera roll. This is one of my favorite artists, “Jilly from Philly.” She’s a neo-soul artist and her voice is top tier. You can feel the love she exudes when she sings, and I find her to be calming for me.


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