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All Hands on Deck: UVA Health Partnering With Virginia Medicaid to Help Patients Stay Covered

As part of the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), Medicaid members have received continuous coverage since 2020 with no reenrollment requirements, even if their eligibility changed and they were no longer eligible. With the sunset of the PHE in May, Medicaid agencies across the country are returning to normal enrollment processes. Here in Virginia, Medicaid began reviewing members’ coverage March 1 to make sure they still qualify and reenrolling eligible members.

To determine members’ eligibility, Medicaid will request information from them. But after three years with no reenrollment process, there is significant concern that the Commonwealth doesn’t have current contact information to gather the necessary information from members, and they could subsequently lose their coverage.

More than 165,000 UVA Health patients across all entities are covered by Medicaid. If these patients lose coverage, they may be less inclined to seek care, putting their health at risk. 

How can team members support Medicaid member patients?

To help maintain continuity of coverage, Medicaid members need to update their contact information with Virginia Medicaid so they receive important communications related to their coverage and respond promptly to any outreach. The Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) is seeking support from stakeholders across the Commonwealth to engage Medicaid members and amplify these calls to action.

Our clinical and Access teams provide a natural, trusted communication touchpoint with patients, so they have been asked to raise awareness among Medicaid member patients about these changes and the urgency to act. To enable this outreach as quickly and as simply as possible, a clinic toolkit has been distributed including printable clinic signpatient handout, and team member talking points.

UVA Health is also engaging Medicaid members via MyChart, social media, local stakeholder groups, and other channels. Team members can also help by spreading the word among community partners about this reenrollment process for all Virginia Medicaid members.

“This outreach campaign represents an important opportunity for UVA Health to support both the physical and financial wellbeing of our Medicaid member patients by helping them maintain healthcare coverage. It is perfectly aligned with our mission and strategic goals to increase access and cultivate healthy communities, and most importantly, it’s the right thing to do,” noted project co-owner Anna Blackburn, Administrator, Enterprise Patient Access. 

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