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‘Amazing Experience’: 2025 University Medical Center Magnet® Site Visit

"Magnet is not a badge, it’s a culture — and you’ve demonstrated that.” 

Four appraisers from the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)’s Magnet Recognition Program® spent four days at UVA Health University Medical Center sites across Charlottesville, Virginia — performing the final step in the Magnet redesignation process that occurs every four years.

The Magnet Recognition Program® recognizes healthcare organizations for quality patient care, interdisciplinary collaboration, nursing excellence, and innovations in professional nursing practice. Developed by ANCC — Magnet® is the leading source of successful evidence-based nursing practices and strategies worldwide.

By the Numbers

The Magnet site visit’s purpose is to verify, clarify, and amplify the information submitted to the Magnet Recognition Program in written documents in fall 2024. From Feb. 24 to 27, 2025, ANCC appraisers met with University Medical Center nurses and their interprofessional colleagues during scheduled interview sessions.

A total of 115 sessions involved 1,266 participants. A core team facilitated the Magnet site visit logistics, which included:

Command Center | Day 1

Post Wrap Up Call Leader Group


University Medical Center nurses were eager to talk about their practice and outcomes with the Magnet appraisers, and the excitement among participants in sessions was palpable. Following the sessions, participants shared their reflections, available now on Magnet Information and Resources. Some of the feedback shared: 

4 Central
Surgical Subspecialties Clinics
Nursing Professional Development Services (NPDS)
Renal Unit

Grace, Resilience, Determination — and More

At the closing session with the Magnet appraisers, University Medical Center leaders received feedback on the site visit. The lead Magnet appraiser shared how much of a pleasure it was to experience the level of excellence at University Medical Center and that it was the best they’ve seen in 13 years serving as an appraiser. Other themes of positive feedback included:

Wrapping up the closing session, the lead Magnet appraiser asserts, “Magnet is not a badge, it’s a culture — and you’ve demonstrated that.”

‘None Like I’ve Ever Experienced’

University Medical Center nursing leaders shared similar sentiments upon reflecting on the Magnet site visit: 

“The whole week made me proud to be a UVA Health nurse," says Kathy Baker, PhD, RN, NE-BC, FAAN, Chief Nursing Officer, UVA Health University Medical Center. “I will never forget the smile on the appraiser’s face when she told the team, ‘You have definitely created a Magnet culture!’”

Karin Skeen, PhD, RN, NEA-BC Associate Chief Nursing Officer, concurs: “Our Magnet site visit was like none I have ever experienced! The energy and excitement from the teams who met with the surveyors was electric. It was so great to see the team so proud and eager to share how great it is to be a UVA Health nurse!”

“Seeing our UVA Health team shine during our four-day visit with the four Magnet appraisers was such a joy!” declares Veronica Brill, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, Associate Chief Nursing Officer. “The stories and examples shared during this visit are a testament to the excellence and passion we see every day in the care provided to our patients and collaboration with each other. The visit was validating and I’m prouder than ever to be a UVA Health nurse!”

Rachel Nauman, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, Administrator, Ambulatory Nursing, shares: “The pride and joy I felt during the ANCC Magnet site visit was indescribable. Ambulatory nurses not only showed up — they were engaged, excited, and passionate about the incredible work they do for our patients every day! They spoke with such clarity and confidence, fully owning their practice and demonstrating the true impact of our efforts.”

More reflections from team members who participated in the site visit can be found on Nursing Center for Excellence, along with photos of some participants. 

What’s Next?

The Magnet appraisers who visited University Medical Center will prepare a final report to submit to the ANCC Commission on Magnet® (COM), which will review the final report at a regularly scheduled meeting.

After a determination has been reached on designation status, COM will schedule a call with University Medical Center nursing and other leaders, who hope to receive news of re-designation in time for 2025 National Nurses Week, May 6-12 — providing an opportunity for further celebration among University Medical Center nurses!

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