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Ask the Expert: Yay, We’ve Been Vaccinated! Can We Start Interacting in Person Again?

Question: Can those of us who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 loosen up on our safety precautions? I miss attending meetings in person, having meals with colleagues and other “old normal” workplace interactions.

Answer (Hospital Epidemiologist Costi Sifri, MD): While you should feel more protected after getting fully vaccinated against COVID-19, returning to “old normal” face-to-face interactions is not recommended for several reasons:

Recommendation: Until we know more about the immunity provided by COVID-19 vaccines, you should continue wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and washing your hands frequently. If you need to satisfy your need for in-person interactions, play it safe by holding them outdoors or in large, well-ventilated locations where social distancing can be maintained. Stay diligent about taking safety precautions — it is the best way to protect your health and that of everyone around you.

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