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Awardees: Brodie Resident Clinicians Honored for Exceptional Patient Care

The Brodie Medical Education Fund Committee annually recognizes up to five graduating residents from across all UVA medical and surgical residency programs with the Anne L. Brodie Resident Clinician Award.

This award recognizes resident physicians who:

This year’s inspirational awardees are:

Erin Baldwin, MD | Internal Medicine

Erin Baldwin

“Among the many attributes that set Dr. Baldwin apart is her heartfelt compassion for her patients. Each day in clinic she incorporates the patient’s values into her management plan. And while she shows this to all her patients, it is the ones who are the most down and out, the most desperate, where her compassion truly shines — the angry alcohol-dependent woman bedbound by an amputation; the nonagenarian with severe COPD who somehow survived a multi-trauma car accident and a 3-month admission, the young quadriplegic in chronic pain for whom Erin navigated the system to obtain a palliative cordotomy. When Erin is rounding on challenging or particularly ill patients in the hospital, she gets down on one knee to talk with them at eye level. I cannot think of a better demonstration of compassion than watching Erin at work, and I can tell you the impact on her learners — and attendings — will far outlast her tenure with us at UVA.”

Zach Chancellor, MD | Surgery

Zach Chancellor

“… Zach is the epitome of our profession, always providing kind and thoughtful care for his patients while making sure they are getting the best care possible. He is another example of how important it is for us to find the very best people to become surgeons. I am proud of his accomplishments and particularly proud to call him a colleague.

“… He has been an avid teacher of our medical students and continued this during these years, participating in multiple suturing workshops and other teaching endeavors. He is the type of young man who always is willing to help, without question or fanfare. After completing his research years, Zach returned to the clinical arena, once again quietly doing the job of a physician with humility and grace. Despite his reliable and outstanding clinical skills and teaching ability, Zach is so unassuming I believe he often does not get the credit he truly deserves.”

Sean Dougherty, MD | Internal Medicine

Sean Dougherty

“Sean is known by myself and the rest of our program to set the highest standard of professional commitment, kindness, and humanism. He not only role models humility and humanism — he directly points it out in his teaching!  In sessions observing him teach medical students, I was impressed by the emphasis he put early in talks about chronic diseases such as cirrhosis and sickle cell anemia where he emphasized to students the importance of our labels — “patients with cirrhosis,” not “cirrhotics.” Sean was the inaugural winner of our program’s Intern Professionalism award two years ago, and he will be serving in leadership as a chief resident in our program next year.

“… He sets a phenomenal standard for patient care; he role models and teaches the importance of knowledge and learning to drive excellent patient care and goes the extra mile as detailed above.”

Eleanor Ginn, MD | Family Medicine

Eleanor Ginn

“Dr. Ginn is devoted to her patients and consistently demonstrates the ability to build strong relationships with patients over time. One of our faculty wrote, ‘She is known for developing relationships with complex patients who could easily fall through the cracks. One patient who comes to mind has both medical and psychological challenges. Dr. Ginn coordinates with the behavioral health team to ensure the she addresses the patient’s psychological challenges. Due to this excellent patient-centered care, the patient has been able to return to work from disability and is functioning quite well. Dr. Ginn embodies both the skills and the values that Anne Brodie admired.’”  

Nicholas LoSchiavo, MD | Pediatrics

Nicholas Loschiavo

“Dr. LoSchiavo pours his heart and soul into every single patient encounter and treats each family and child with grace and reverence. Since very early in his career, he has appreciated the sacred trust that exists between a family and the physician who they allow to care for and make decisions for their child. Being a father himself upon entering residency, Dr. LoSchiavo thinks of his own children and family as he communicates and connects with our patients and families. In Birdsong General Pediatrics clinic, we care for a particularly vulnerable population of children. Many of our patients are from families facing poverty and frequently immigrants or refugees who do not speak English. We care for many children in foster care, those with chronic medical conditions and those with challenging behavioral problems. Caring for these families requires delving headfirst into the complexity of the multifaceted environmental and social factors that influence the children’s health. Dr. LoSchiavo serves as role model to his peers, junior residents and medical students with his willingness to approach every patient with kindness and empathy. He has developed a wonderful approach where he is willing to work through whatever barrier exists to connect with the child and the family. I have personally witnessed Dr. LoSchiavo providing culturally sensitive and compassionate patient care to these families on many occasions.”

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