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Congratulations to the 2022 Nursing Assistants of the Year!

Congratulations to the four nursing assistants who were named UVA Health's 2022 Nursing Assistants of the Year! The nominations describe these team members' endless dedication to care of patients and colleagues, their accountability to doing things right, and their caring and kind natures.

Here are the honorees:

There was a total of 56 nominees for these awards! See a list of all the nominees here.

Read each honoree's full nomination by scrolling down or clicking on their name above, and watch the video replay of the ceremony below. Congratulations Erica, Christina, Neve, Amber, and all the nominees!

Patient Care Technician of the Year: Erica Cooper, Acute Cardiology

Nomination 1

Knowledge and Skills

"Erica uses her role as a PCT to get to know each patient well and then is able to report any changes to the RN quickly. She will come talk to the RN about changes from baseline that concern her, aiding the RN in identifying decompensation earlier, resulting in early intervention. She will take the initiative to get an extra set of vital signs on a patient who seems to be different than their baseline, which speeds up the process of identifying any problems."


"Erica participates in the CNA/PCT local committee to give her input on procedure and policy changes on the unit. She advocates for her fellow CNAs/PCTs and is always looking to make the workload equitable. She takes initiative to help out float CNAs/PCTs by showing them where we keep supplies and explaining how the unit typically runs. Erica is also a preceptor, and she teaches new CNAs/PCTs how to be exceptional team members."

Empathy and Interaction

"Erica brings patient concerns up to the RN or charge RN depending upon the type of request ensuring that our patients are heard. She caters her care to each individual patient. In fact, she's even been known to have a small dance party with a patient when that patient valued music and dance and was a bit confused. She makes sure each patient receives care at an exemplary level and that they feel cared for and thought of throughout her shift. She cares about her patients on a level that you don't see often in healthcare anymore. Erica shows that she loves serving others and providing care in a way that each patient will be receptive to."


"Erica takes our 'One team, all heart' motto to heart (pun intended). She truly is an example of a team player. She can often be found getting daily weights on patients that do not have a CNA/PCT assigned to them simply because she knows it will be a help to the nurse. She responds to all call lights quickly and will happily help out any patient whether they are assigned to her or not. She sees that a patient is off telemetry and will take the initiative to go check on the patient and fix their telemetry monitor, whether that patient is in her assignment or not. Whenever Erica is working, you know it's going to be a great day because she truly is a team player."

Nomination 2

Knowledge and Skills

"I have worked with Erica for several years, and I have always seen her do everything she can for the patients on our unit. She answers calls bell, answers the phones, runs to bed alarms. I have seen her share information with the nurse just to make sure they are both on the same page. She walks patients without being asked and she is always one of the first to offer her help."


"Erica is always willing to help out with anything on the unit. She is constantly asking me if there is anything she can do to help me. She helped when maintenance came to install some hand sanitizers and glove boxes, and she went and informed the patients of what was going to be happening. She is always trying to help clean up the unit and keep things from being messy."

Empathy and Interaction

"Erica can be sarcastic and funny but yet very passionate about her work. I have witnessed her give so many patients the benefit of the doubt even when no one else does. She cares deeply for her patients and their families, and she shows it by the way she cares for them. I have watched her have conversation with patients just to help them feel better or for them to not be so anxious. She has an extraordinary heart when it comes to working in the health field."


"We have a motto on 4 East/4 Central Cardiovascular. It is 'One team, all heart.' Erica doesn't take that lightly. I see her constantly jumping in to help with patient's that were not assigned to her. She is always willing to take a drink, chase a bed alarm, or even help a patient to the bathroom. She helps watch the front desk. I have even witnessed her going over to 4 Central when she was assigned on East, just to help because they had no PCA or vice versa."

Nomination 3

Knowledge and Skills

"Erica has grown so much in her position — from shy and quiet to outgoing and a team player. Erica focuses on not just her patients but the unit as a whole. When she is not engaged in patient care, she is at the nurse's station ready to act. Erica is the first responder to call bells and jumps up to attend to any needs — patient or team member.

"Erica recognizes the importance of movement and ensures that her patients have access to mobility equipment and encourages activity."


"Erica is a quiet leader. She is observant and pays keen attention to things happening around the unit.  She always know who is where and which patients are hot spots. There are often shifts where the charge RN is busy, and Erica can provide me with a summary of how the day is going.

"She serves as a preceptor to new CNAs and she leads by example. No task is beneath her. She ensures that equipment is clean and put away.

"When I reach out to Erica for assistance with a project, she takes charge right away. Recently, she worked with facilities to get glove boxes hung in patient rooms that did not have them. She spoke with patients, introduced the facilities workers, and ensured that the work was done quickly and efficiently.

"Erica continuously asks the question, 'What can I do for you?' or 'How can I help?' She asks this of her peer PCTs, the nurses, and even the managers.  How often does a manager have a PCT that comes up and says, 'How is your day? Can I do anything for you?' This is Erica.

"In our kudos box, a team member recently wrote, 'Erica, I cannot thank you or praise you enough. You work so hard and we do not deserve you!"

Empathy and Interaction

"Patients often provide positive comments about Erica.  She is described as kind, sweet, funny, and caring. 

"We have a kudos box on Acute Cardiology, and coworkers often recognize Erica for her care and compassion for patients. A recent submission:

"Erica — our pts are so lucky to have you
You are the best
We would be lost without you!!
Thank you for all you do you rock
Thank you for everything you do for the pts! You are so sweet and always willing to help
You are the best
You work so hard"


"No stronger example of teamwork exists: When we had the winter storms, Erica picked up a crisis shift and came in to work even though she did not have power at home. She stopped and showered at the rescue squad and came in to work when others called out.

"Erica is a worker, and she lightens the load of her peers and is the first to offer help and support.

"As a manager, there is no one I am more proud of for her growth and maturity then Erica. Our patients get exemplary care because she is part of our team. She is positive and encouraging to all. We are fortunate to have her."

Nomination 4

Knowledge and Skills

"Erica began her career on 4 East as a CNA and quickly sought additional education and training in order to become a PCT. Erica is a resource to all the CNAs and PCTs on our unit. She is one of our main preceptors of new staff. She is very knowledgeable with our cardiology/heart failure patient population due to her extensive experience and training. She is also trained to care for our LVAD [left ventricular assist device] population. Due to her experience and knowledge, Erica is the PCT you turn to as a nurse when you need assistance with your patient. She is quick to communicate any minor change in patient condition to the nurses and on many occasions. She has alerted the nurse to an acute change that required prompt intervention. On one recent shift, Erica alerted the nurse to an acute change in a patient's mental status. Her immediate action likely prevented a code in this instance as the nurse was able to call the medical emergency team and physician for immediate treatment. Erica is also always one of the first PCTs to attend training for new equipment and technology utilized on the unit. She knows how to use all of the necessary lift equipment (including the newest devices) and is a super user for Vocera, which we recently started using on 4 East."


"Erica is a leader among the PCTs and leads by example. She maintains a positive attitude during the most difficult shifts. During one morning shift, a COVID-positive patient came running out of 4 South. He had been let out the door by mistake since he had street clothes on. The patient did not get far as he became short of breath. Erica had just arrived to work and saw the patient in the hall. She ran to him and did not hesitate to assist him as he was about to collapse in the hallway even as she heard people behind him yell, 'He has COVID!' She stood with him while waiting for additional team members to come over from the Special Pathogens Unit. Not only does this demonstrate Erica 's willingness to jump in and help at any moment but also her selflessness. She always puts patients first.

"Another example of Erica's leadership involves the merging of our units during COVID. It was not a very smooth transition as it happened abruptly and some CNAs were being quite negative and were also hesitant to work on the unit they were not hired on. Erica kept a positive attitude throughout this time, and she was the first to volunteer to work on the other unit even though it was also somewhat uncomfortable for her, too. I think when the other CNAs saw Erica working there, it really helped change their outlook on the teams working together. 

"Erica shows initiative during the absolute busiest days on the unit. She will literally go up to myself or the charge nurse and say, "What can I do to help?" During the day of our Joint Commission survey, she came up as usual to ask how she could help. I gave her a list of things to check on the unit, and she quickly went around the unit checking for any potential violations. She scurried up and down the halls, moving equipment and checking patient rooms. She also helped check charts for intakes and outputs during our recent heart failure accreditation survey."

Empathy and Interaction

"Erica is often sought after by our 'frequent flyer' patients who remember her for her positive attitude, smiling face, kindness, and strong work ethic. I am often told by patients how amazing Erica is and what a great job she does when caring for them. When I came in one morning, an especially challenging patient (that is often on our unit) was calling out saying he really needed a bath. He was the kind of patient who calls frequently and is sometimes misunderstood due to his demeanor. The patient was soiled and although it would take an extended period of time, Erica did not hesitate. She went in to help this patient (even though he was not assigned to her) and not only bathed him but also washed his hair. He was so appreciative of her kindness and compassion that he was in tears thanking her. This is not an isolated incident. Erica will go in and assist some of our most difficult patients. She is calm and patient, even with some of our most confused patients. While some team members do not like to act as a companion, Erica will jump in to do so whenever needed."


"Erica has been the only PCT on our unit (28 patients) on many occasions. She has never said, 'That's not my patient,' and instead, strives to care for every patient to the best of her ability, even when working alone. When she is working on our other unit next door (4 Central), she completes all her work there and then comes next door to 4 East to assist the other CNAs on the larger unit. She does this consistently without ever being asked. During the most recent snow and ice storm, Erica lost power at her home for several days. She volunteered to come in and help on the unit when she found out we were short staffed. She stopped to shower at the fire department since she had no water at her house and came straight to work on her day off. That is the kind of person and team member Erica is. She is always willing to help and often goes above and beyond to do so.

"On another occasion, Erica and another team member found a hazardous spill in the locker room. She quickly alerted the charge nurse and myself so that the fire department and nursing supervisor could be called. Even though the smell ended up making Erica very ill, she was concerned about the safety of the patients and other team members on the unit.

"I cannot say enough about the type of team member Erica is. She works hard every day and is positive and kind to everyone around her. I know if I walk up to Erica at any time, she will say, 'What can I do for you?' and do it without hesitation. She cares about every patient and family member on our unit and shows that on a daily basis through the compassionate care she provides. Erica is an ASPIRE role model and an asset to our 4 East/4 Central team. I cannot think of anyone more deserving of this award."

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Certified Medical Assistant of the Year: Christina Orebaugh, Midlife Health Northridge

Knowledge and Skills

"Christina has been a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) for a while. However, it is not about how long she has been a CMA or what she knows, but about how she is willing to use what she knows to improve and provide safe and excellent care to her patients.

"What makes Christina stand out is her willingness to truly go above and beyond. This is above and beyond whatever is asked or imagined and going the extra mile to see that the care that is being provided is the best care and the safest care. She does not turn a blind eye to the need for improvement but addresses it head on regardless of the amount of work that is involved — from providing patient care to the organization of the clinic resources and supplies. Having the ability to provide what is needed for each individual and diverse patient is a priority for Christina!

"When recently asked to help staff a clinic with a large functional vacancy, Christina gladly agreed to help. But, the most unexpected thing happened. Where most would have worked at the clinic and then went home at the end of the day, Christina owned the new ask and did so much more. When she saw an opportunity for improvement, she addressed it or made note of it and brought a proposal for the improvement.

"Christina utilized her knowledge from her home clinic to reorganize the sister clinic to improve proficiency and safety. She cleaned out the expired supplies and reorganized drawers and cabinets to improve workflow. She checked the clinic records for compliance and had equipment that was not working properly repaired or replaced.

"She discovered that the point-of-care glucometer was not having controls run properly and reached out and had the supplies ordered and had the machine up and functioning. She also became the clinic’s super user for Trophon.

"In addition, she noticed that orders were not being written for a medication that was being given on a routine basis during a procedure. Christina notified the provider, and an order is now being written for the medication every time it is being used during a procedure. Also, it is being documented and appropriately charged for in Epic."


"Christina has demonstrated leadership promoting growth and innovation not only in her home clinic but in the sister clinic as well. Without being prompted, Christina provided a list of items and supplies that she thought would help provide a better patient experience for the patients at both clinics. She is always thinking about ways to improve care for better outcomes.
One of the improvements involved advocating for the same surgical information folder given to surgical patients at her home clinic to be available and given to the surgical patients at the sister clinic. It was such a great idea! Now the folders are being given to the surgical patients in both clinics."

"Recently, Christina advocated for an additional bariatric chair for her home clinic and to have the current broken bariatric chair repaired. When a patient could not be appropriately assessed due to a bariatric chair not working properly, Christina wrote a Be Safe Event, notified the manager, and then went to work notifying Clinical Engineering that the chair needed to be repaired.

"What sets Christina apart is the follow up. She continued to call Clinical Engineering to follow up on the chair until it was repaired. When the patient returned for an assessment and evaluation, the chair had been repaired, and the patient was able to receive the needed care. Also, a second bariatric chair is on order for the clinic.

"Christina also has taken the lead on helping to orient new hires at the sister clinic and has helped support the many team members from other clinics floating over to support the clinic. To help with the knowledge deficit, Christina created a notebook of the procedures that the clinic provides with a list of the needed instruments and items surrounding each procedure. The notebook serves as an excellent resource to those who are working that may not be as familiar with what is needed for a certain procedure.

"There also was a need to someone to order supplies for this clinic. Christina stepped up and completed the Epro competencies. She is doing a weekly inventory of supplies and is learning to order for this clinic.

"Christina stands out among the crowd. Her natural ability to lead and knack for problem solving and getting the job done makes her an invaluable asset to the team."

Empathy and Interaction

"Christina is exceptional in her role has a CMA. She is skillful and confident providing compassionate and patient focused care on each patient with every interaction.

"Recently, we received a phone call from a patient that had a procedure. The patient began to explain that she had been seen the day before and wanted to call back and relay a message to those who had provided her care.

"The patient referred to the nurse and doctors, however, the patient was referring to a CMA, Christina. The patient said that 'she was terrified to get the procedure done, but when the nurse and doctors spoke with her and were so caring and kind.' She was overwhelmed with how comfortable she was with them and how much she trusted them. She wanted to let them know how important that was to her and she wanted to thank them so much (the patient was getting tearful). She was grateful for the care that she received and just wanted to make sure they know that it made a big difference to her. Christina’s compassion and empathy radiates.

"While working at the sister clinic, a patient began not feeling well. Christina noticed that something may not be right and went over to help the patient. The patient stated that they felt as if their blood sugar was low. Christina ran to get the point-of-care glucometer to check the patient’s blood sugar. When she arrived at the glucometer, she discovered that it was not operational. She then assisted in using the patient’s own device to test her blood sugar (which was low) and went and retrieve snacks for the patient to eat. After the event was over, Christina contacted the manager of the clinic and was able to get the needed supplies and items for the glucometer to function. She also requested that snacks be stocked at the clinic for those endocrine patients that are seen two days a week.

"On another day, Christina was out in the parking lot assisting a patient who had fallen coming in for an appointment. Christina stayed with the patient until help arrived and then accompanied the patient to the clinic that they had an appointment in to make sure that the clinic staff were aware of what happened. She then filled out a Be Safe Event.

"Christina’s desire to help and follow through to the very end is impeccable and unwavering. When she is involved, the task will be completed with no loose ends left to tie."


"Christina is a team player and the first to jump in and support any team that she is working with.  No only does she support her team, she supports the providers."

"Recently, there was a patient who had just had a procedure. After the procedure had been completed and during the recovery phase, the patient began to experience some concerning symptoms. Christina, who had not assisted in the procedure, came to support a less experienced team member and went right to work doing what was needed to stabilize the patient. After the patient was stabilized, Christina remained for support even helping to clean the room after the patient was able to leave. 

"Regardless of where Christina is working, the provider team is complimentary of the job that she performs. Feedback from providers include statements such as, 'I didn’t know that Christina was not a nurse.' Another Provided stated, 'She anticipates my needs and knows what I need before I even ask — that is something that you just cannot teach.'

"Another provider sent an email speaking to Christina’s energy and competency. '[She has the] ability to run four busy clinics without confusing the patients and their lab orders and specimens all while having a great attitude!'

"Christina is an integral part of the team!  She is definitely missed when she is not around and is an asset that one would not want to do without! When she is working, there is a noticeable presence of calmness in the team. You also know that when she is involved that what is done, will be done correctly!"

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Certified Nursing Assistant of the Year: Neve Gallagher, Mother/Baby

Knowledge and Skills

"One night while working with Neve, she approached me with some concerns she had about a travel nurse with whom she was working. They were assigned to work together on 8 North, while the rest of the staff was assigned to 8 Central. During their shift, one of the babies they were caring for became hypothermic, necessitating rewarming. The travel nurse was unfamiliar with our unit protocol and temperature algorithm. She also failed to acknowledge that she needed help in this situation and did not reach out to the charge nurse. Neve, being very familiar with the temperature algorithm, prompted the travel nurse through each next step. Once they progressed through the protocol to the point the infant needed to be put under the radiant warmer, Neve went to get the warmer but wasn’t completely confident on how to set it up. Normally, it is the RN that sets up the warmer. Recognizing that the traveler was also unfamiliar with how to set up the warmer and was making the patient upset with her overall lack of competence, Neve came to find me for help. Neve had me walk her through turning on, setting up, and properly placing the baby under the warmer with temperature probe in place. Together, we reviewed the plan of care with mom, answered all her questions, and put her mind as ease. Neve successfully saw the baby through the rest of the protocol and built a good rapport with the patient.
There were several other instances that night where this particular travel nurse displayed incompetence and lack of compassion while caring for her patient assignment. Neve went above and beyond to ensure that these patients were well cared for. Neve discussed the situation with the charge nurse and sent an email to the unit manager voicing her concern with the care this traveler was providing to our patients.
Neve always advocates for her patients and expects everyone to provide to same level of care that she does. She often speaks up, offers constructive advice, and educates others on unit protocol or standard work, ensuring that our patients receive the best care possible."


"As a PCT on our unit, I trust Neve when she has my patients. I know she will do her job and will come to me if she has a concern about a patient. When problems arise, Neve escalates concerns and changes in baseline appropriately to the nurse or charge nurse. Currently, Neve is in nursing school, which has made her knowledge in the hospital setting expand.

"Neve is not afraid to speak up for herself and her patients. She will reach out to the nurse if she has a concern about a patient."

Empathy and Interaction

"Neve is truly an extraordinary CNA and coworker. She is dependable, compassionate, and hard-working. She not only goes to nursing school full-time but works part-time and raises her son. She shows her compassion and helpful spirit any time she walks into a patient room, whether that be gently waking a patient for their vital signs, helping an anxious and tired mother with breastfeeding, or assisting a nurse get a patient to the bathroom, etc. I have gotten to witness this first-hand many times. Most recently, I worked with Neve and a patient who had highly restricted mobility, which is fairly uncommon on our floor. She required dressing changes frequently and assistance walking, turning, using the bathroom, etc. Neve never blinked an eye at offering care and assisting me with anything that I needed. She stepped in and did things like she was reading my mind; it was just second nature to her. As a nurse it can be difficult to keep everything on task and moving smoothly, but I know I can always count on Neve to have my back.

"Neve is a fantastic listener. When she goes into her patients' rooms, she does way more than the tasks assigned to her. She is great at interacting and relating to patients and their families. Because of this, her patients trust her to take care of them and also feel like they can ask her questions. She does a great job at talking not only to the patient but everyone else who is in the room. She explains what she is doing as she does tasks and is a great educator to families. She will be a great nurse one day!"


"Neve does a really good job coordinating care with the nurses assigned to her patients. She always tries to promote rest by trying to cluster care with the tasks of the nurse. She gets along with everyone. As a nurse, I love when she has my patients and when I am charge nurse, I know I can count on her to help the shift run smoothly. Even if a room is not assigned to Neve, she will be sure to step in and give a helping hand.

"Neve goes above and beyond for her patients. She is willing to help every patient, every nurse, and anyone that needs assistance. She is smart and eager to learn more."

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Specialty Technician of the Year: Amber Longenberger, Cardiovascular Technologist 2, Cardiac Catheterization Lab

Knowledge and Skills

"Amber is an exceptional cardiovascular technologist in our cath lab (CCL). She is committed to providing high quality, safe care to all of our patients. Recently, Amber was scrubbed in at the table with the physician during a high-risk case. The patient began to decompensate and things got very hectic in our lab. The physicians were focused on the procedure, so when the patient became pulseless, it was Amber who jumped into action. She recognized the patient's decline first and alerted the rest of the team, so resuscitation efforts began immediately. She calmly and clearly directed myself and other team members to obtain equipment that she knew we would need. Her ability to anticipate the needs of the patient and what the physicians at the table would need to stabilize the situation went above and beyond. Her calm, clear communication with me and other team members kept the situation from spiraling out of control. I was so thankful that day that Amber was on my team — and I've felt that way many times since."


"Amber is an actively involved leader on our unit. She serves as a shift manager, which is a role she handles with grace and ease. Often confronted with competing priorities between outpatients and urgent inpatient add-ons, Amber works seamlessly with physicians, nurse practitioners, and Echo techs to ensure that the patients who need CCL procedures are cared for in a timely manner. Amber has been involved in and vocal at debriefings after difficult cases and as a result has put forward ideas to improve our workflows and practices. Amber precepts new cardiovascular technologists (CVT) and does so well. She advocates for her orientees to be involved in cases that will benefit their learning."

Empathy and Interaction

"While I have witnessed Amber's compassion towards our patients on many occasions, one particular case stands out. We received an urgent transfer from an outside hospital who was very ill. She came directly to the cath lab and we started her procedure. Because of this patient's history and symptoms, we were not able to provide her with significant sedation. The patient was complaining of terrible leg and foot pain, which was making it difficult for her to hold still. When I turned around, Amber was standing at the side of the table, massaging the patient's calves and feet — and continued to do so for the duration of the case. The patient was finally calm and clearly much more comfortable. Amber's willingness to address this patient's pain with massage when medications weren't an option demonstrates not only her sensitivity to a patient's individual needs but also her understanding of pain and the importance of pain management, utilizing whatever resources are appropriate."


"Amber operates in all CVT roles in the cardiac cath lab. In addition to her work as shift manager, she scrubs cases with physicians and circulates and monitors cases. She does all of these roles as a part of diagnostic/interventional and structural heart cases (including valve replacements) in patients of all ages. As a shift manager, she rarely sits at her desk. Instead, she is up and moving about the department to ensure that each lab and team has what they need to perform their jobs well. She often covers others for lunch while in the shift manager role because ensuring that each person has a break is important to her. She jumps in to help set up tables, break down labs, and even mops floors in between cases. Amber is absolutely a team player and is an incredible asset to our team. She is a resource person for CVTs and nurses alike. I know that if I go to Amber with a question, she'll likely know the answer — but if she doesn't, she'll help me find the resource I need. This kind of willingness to help with any issue is invaluable and speaks to Amber's consistency in going above and beyond for our team."

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Nominations edited for clarity.

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