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Enter Your Email for a Chance to Win an iTHRIV Engraved 20 oz. Tumbler

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iTHRIV (integrated Translational Health Research Institute of Virginia) wants to connect with you – sign up for its mailing list and enter to win a prize! 

iTHRIV offers people a way to learn and change how health research is conducted. As part of this email list, you'll receive helpful mailers with health-related updates, as well as opportunities to engage with health researchers in your community! 

Enter your information for a chance to win a prize and to receive occasional iTHRIV updates and information.

Deadline: Thursday, March 16

Five winners will be chosen and contacted by email on Friday, March 17.

To help improve health-related research, iTHRIV's approach includes soliciting input from community members through review panels, Community Engagement Studios, and Community Advisory Boards. Want to learn more? Check out! Be sure to navigate to the Community page to find answers to commonly asked questions, additional information about health research history, and informative video shorts like "What is Clinical Research?"; "Safety in Research"; "Informed Consent"; and "Community Engagement Studios." 

iTHRIV is a National Institutes of Health funded Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program Hub (# UL1TR003015). In practice, iTHRIV is a cross-Commonwealth collaboration between University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, Carilion Clinic, and the Inova Health System. Register here.

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