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‘Everyone’s Favorite Face!’: Physical Therapist Earns Rave Reviews From Team Members and Patients

"Team members such as Garry Gellert make a huge difference in the lives of patients, especially for those who are critically ill."

UVA Health University Medical Center Associate Chief Nursing Officer Veronica Brill, MSN, RN, NEA-BC and BEE Award Committee Chair Hannah Kolpack surprised Garry Gellert, Physical Therapist (PT), with a BEE (Being Excellent Everyday) Award.

Every month, the Nursing Professional Governance Organization honors up to two UVA Health University Medical Center team members with this award.

Liza Wayland nominated Gellert:

"Garry has become everyone's favorite face to see in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)! When he comes to the unit, he is personable and always goes above and beyond for his patients. In the MICU, a lot of patients are sick for a long time, deconditioned, and have many chronic diseases. Garry actively solves problems to optimize the patients.

"One week, he helped a patient — still intubated, on pressors, and on continuous dialysis — sit on the side of the bed. It was the first time the patient had mobilized in more than two weeks! The patient was very weak and deconditioned, but Garry knew he could try and help. He worked closely with the nurse and RT to make sure it was safe and used their help to get the patient up. The patient was able to sit up for longer than Garry or the nurse thought. It was amazing to watch the patient push and start to gain back muscle movement.

"Garry also took outside, a patient who was anxiously awaiting test results back. He knew that it would help and even brought the recliner outside so the patient could sit in comfort. The patient was beaming. When I asked Garry and the nurse how it was outside, they both said, 'Hot and humid.' When I asked the patient how the weather was, she said, 'Amazing!'

"Garry spent almost an hour doing passive range of motion on an intubated patient with a progressive neurological disorder. This patient had to remain intubated to allow time for medications to work and instead of saying he would see the patient in a few days once off sedation and off the ventilator, Garry took the time to work with the patient.

"Garry was not intimidated and was confidently walking the patient around. And Garry got three more patients out of bed including a couple of them who were in Stryker chairs.

"Team members such as Garry Gellert make a huge difference in the lives of patients, especially for those who are critically ill. On top of that amazing patient care, he is wonderful to work with! He is always willing to jump in and help with whatever he can!"

Know a Deserving Team Member?

The BEE Award recognizes UVA Health University Medical Center team members who work alongside our nurses to impact patients' experiences — just as bees and flowers depend on one another. Submit a nomination.

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