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Feb. 21: Systemic Racism and Health Outcomes

You are invited to join a panel on Systemic Racism and Health Outcomes on Monday, Feb. 21, 12:10-1 p.m. in the Claude Moore Medical Education Building Auditorium on the 3rd floor. The panel is provided by the Social Issues in Medicine Course (SIM).

Description: The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the stark inequities facing people of color. Panelists will discuss the impact of racism on health and healthcare with a focus on efforts by UVA and the health system to partner with local communities to address historical injustices and eliminate health disparities.

Panelists include:

RSVP and submit your topics of discussion via this brief online form.  

Questions? Contact SIM administrators: Tammy Prailey at or Dr. Mo Nadkarni at

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