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Five on Friday: Get to Know Patrick Washington  

We’ve launched a new Connect series called "Five on Friday.” Each week we’ll spotlight a different team member and ask them five fun questions. It's a lighthearted way to foster connections and celebrate the individuals who make up our one UVA Health team.  

For more than 20 years, Patrick Washington, CPhT, Lead Pharmacy Technician, drove trucks for a warehouse. One day, while driving back from Alexandria, Va, Patrick's truck started smoking. After exiting the highway — and while waiting for a tow truck to arrive — Patrick saw a billboard that read: Tired of your job? Become a pharmacy technician! Patrick took this message as a literal sign to switch careers.  

Patrick worked the night shift in UVA Health’s Inpatient Pharmacy for five years before being promoted to Lead Pharmacy Technician, a role he’s had for about six years.  

What is the worst food of all time?

I ordered an oyster shot but I didn’t realize it was an oyster in a shot glass of vodka.  

What’s your favorite nickname you’ve been given? 

My older sister calls me PJ.  

What’s one thing you would tell your childhood self? 

Enjoy life, don’t take things so seriously, invest in Microsoft, and keep your action figures (not dolls). I could’ve made a fortune!! 

Which celebrity would you choose for your best friend? 

Shaq. He seems to enjoy his life to the fullest. 

What’s the last photo on your camera roll?  

My girlfriend and I recently took her daughter parasailing at Virginia Beach for the first time.

Patrick Washington

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