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Fostering Resilience and Strengthening Team Member Support at UVA Health — The Wisdom, Well-Being, and Peer Support Training Program

In the fast-paced, emotionally charged world of healthcare, team members’ well-being is paramount, which is why one of UVA Health’s guiding principles is “to care for, empower, and support our fellow team members in everything we do.” The Wisdom and Well-being team now offers online and live training across UVA Health to help deliver on this promise. 

Wisdom, Well-being, and Peer Support Training (WWPST) provides a comprehensive approach to foster peer support skills in the healthcare workforce. Participants learn how to identify and reduce unnecessary stressors and how to improve resilience and communication skills. Unlike many programs that only address individual resilience, this program helps teams recognize peer stress and how to respond effectively. 

All UVA Health team members are invited to participate in this training program. The WWPST team hopes that everyone in the health system will complete the basic training and that many will step up to become Peer Support Champions and complete the advanced training.

Richard Westphal, the program co-director explains, “We build a healthy work community with shared values and mutual support. Wisdom, Well-being, and Peer Support leverages the traits we find in the healthcare workforce: selflessness, loyalty, adherence to a moral code, and excellence. Our training builds on these traits and provides practical tools that can help us care for each other, just as we care for our patients and families.”

Basic: Introduction to the Wisdom and Wellbeing Approach

The foundation of the WWPST program is the introductory online training, which focuses on core concepts and individual awareness. The basic training is accessible online through four self-paced modules, and participants earn 3.5 free continuing education credits.

Advanced: Workplace Peer Support Champions

Building upon the knowledge learned in the basic modules, the advanced training is for workplace Peer Support Champions. These Champions — who can be self-selected, or manager selected — will lead peer-support initiatives on their units. They will help leaders — and the Wisdom and Well-being team — identify stress support resource gaps and help fill them. They will also promote peer support and wellbeing in the workplace.

The Peer Champion training is conducted live, via Zoom, or in person. The four-hour champion training is typically done in two two-hour blocks, and participants receive 4.0 free continuing education credits. Upon completion, Champions receive ongoing support from the WWPST team, including monthly drop-in sessions, emails, and resources. 

Leadership Training

Recognizing the pivotal role of leaders in driving cultural change, WWPST offers specialized training for leaders at all levels. Designed to complement the basic and advanced courses, this training equips leaders with strategies to promote well-being, address system-based stressors, and model effective communication. Leaders are asked to complete the Basic training modules prior to this training.

The WWPST program represents a holistic approach to enhancing the wellbeing of team members and fostering a supportive workplace culture at UVA Health. By empowering individuals, leaders, and teams with the skills and resources needed to navigate the challenges of the healthcare environment, WWPST will be instrumental in promoting resilience, preventing burnout, and ultimately improving patient outcomes. 

Register and complete the basic online training. For questions or additional information, email

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