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Inpatient and Outpatient Monkeypox Testing Protocol

Monkeypox infections are an infrequent but growing concern in our community. If you are caring for an inpatient with suspected monkeypox, please inform Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) and Hospital Epidemiology (HE). The Hospital Epidemiologist on call will provide guidance on the need for testing or further evaluation and management. You can reach IPC on PIC 1243 during normal working hours. At other times, please contact Hospital Epidemiology on PIC 9024.

If testing is recommended, please place your order in Epic using the steps outlined in Organisms of Interest. This protocol should be used by inpatient providers. 

Outpatient providers should consult with the Hospital Epidemiologist on call. The pager number is 9204 for infection control questions. The HE on call will determine whether the patient needs to evaluated in the Special Pathogens and COVID Clinic or via e-Consult, Telehealth, or another option.

We will be closely monitoring all developments related to Monkeypox and keep you informed about any changes in clinical protocols that may be required.


Reid Adams, MD, FACS
Chief Medical Officer

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