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It’s Severe Weather Awareness Week! Are You Prepared? (Watches vs. Warnings)

Severe Weather Awareness Week, March 15-19, is a partnership among The National Weather Service, emergency management, public safety officials, local media and Weather-Ready Nation Ambassadors to help join forces in improving the nation's readiness, responsiveness, and overall resilience against severe weather during the upcoming season. 

Severe Weather Awareness Week in Virginia will be focusing on severe weather awareness and preparedness in the Commonwealth. Each day will focus on a different aspect of severe weather. The topics for the week are watches vs. warnings (Monday), tornadoes (Tuesday), severe thunderstorms (Wednesday), flash flooding (Thursday), and lightning (Friday).

Watches vs. Warnings

Tornado Watch | Conditions are favorable for the development of thunderstorms capable of producing tornadoes. Stay informed in case a warning is issues, and know where to take shelter. Be prepared.

Tornado Warning | A thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado is imminent. Take shelter now! Go to a basement or interior room. Stay informed of forecast updates. Take action.

In all instances, warnings are more important than watches.

Watch | An alert. Conditions are favorable for the event to occur. Does not mean the event will occur.

Warning | Take action. An event is imminent, occurring, and heading your way or has a high likelihood occurring. Take appropriate action to protect life and property.

FAQ: What’s a Watch?

Ways to Get Warnings

How Do I Prepare for Severe Weather or Emergencies?

Events this week:

Tuesday, March 16 | 9:45 a.m. | Statewide Tornado Drill
Tuesday, March 16 | 6:30 p.m. | Skywarn Spotter training
Wednesday, March 17 | 7:30 p.m. | Q&A session with National Weather Service meteorologist
Thursday, March 18 |10 a.m. | Skywarn Spotter training

All the information to participate in these activities is contained on the severe weather awareness web page. Look on social media this week for daily posts from the National Weather Service using #VASevereWx and #VASevereWeather.  

Severe weather FAQ can be found here.

UVA Medical Center Emergency Procedures
During an emergency situation, all Team Members should follow instructions in their Red Book/Emergency Procedures

Have Questions or Need More Information?
Contact Robert Truoccolo, MS, CEM, ABCP, Director of Medical Center of Emergency Management. 

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