It’s Socktober! Donate Socks for Feet in Need
Support Socktober by bringing in new socks to the University Hospital Cafeteria and Wahoo West Café by Friday, Oct. 29, to support those in need in the Charlottesville community.
When dropping off socks in the cafés, ask for the retail manager on duty who will record how many socks are being collected from your area. Departments that bring in the most socks (accounting for department size) will receive a pizza party. Second place wins a novelty ice cream party.
Morrison Healthcare, UVA Health’s dining vendor, is bringing Socktober to Charlottesville after their teams across the country donated over 60,000 pairs of socks last year. Clean socks are the top-requested yet least donated item at homeless shelters. Living on the street, many unsheltered individuals rarely take their shoes off, walk often, and don’t always have access to laundry facilities. Socktober’s mission is to keep feet warm, dry, and clean in local communities.
At the end of the drive, socks collected in the cafés will be donated to The Haven and The Salvation Army.
Questions? Contact Chadwick French, Director of Retail, at cf4cp@hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu.
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