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Jay Ardron: DAISY Award Winner Lifts His Voice to Lift a Patient’s Spirits and More

“What followed was nothing short of remarkable …. his patient-centered approach truly felt like a prayer answered.”

A patient’s spouse has nominated Jay Ardron, RN MC Pool, Staffing Resource Office, for a DAISY Award:

“UVA Health has many wonderful nurses. However, Jay is extraordinary. He possesses a combination of medical skill, deep compassion and empathy, and a strong work ethic. I recommend Jay with tremendous enthusiasm.

“My husband was transferred to UVA Health in 2022 via helicopter as he wrestled for his life. Earlier this year in his hospital room, we were watching our hometown church service online. Jay entered the room, and after we discussed my husband's medical conditions, we began to talk about the service. Jay followed up with several questions, and in a most sensitive way, he then asked if he could sing a hymn. We eagerly agreed.

“What followed was nothing short of remarkable. Jay's rich baritone voice and hymn selections were so comforting and reflected very high emotional intelligence. But Jay was not merely a talented singer — he also spoke very encouraging words to my husband between each hymn. Our hearts were full. However, what was most striking about this moment was that my husband, who sometimes struggles to speak, began to sing hymns along with Jay. His patient-centered approach truly felt like a prayer answered. 

“Nurses regularly rotate units at UVA Health, so when Jay rotated off my husband's case we thought we might never see Jay again. Fortunately, we were wrong. He returned as my husband's nurse. We were excited to see Jay and quickly reconnected. What followed was awe-inspiring. My husband has been bedbound since he was helicoptered to UVA Health. He cannot walk, has not been outdoors since his arrival, and can feel down due to his long hospital stay. Jay sought to change that. He conferred with other medical staff, and he and another nurse used a lift, placed my husband in a wheelchair, and rolled him outside to breathe natural air and feel natural sunlight. Others have tried to move my husband over the last few months. The results have been mixed at best.

“Jay moved quickly and decisively but was very careful given my husband’s frail condition. Allowing my husband the ability to enjoy several minutes of natural air and sunlight lifted his spirits in a way I have not seen in months. When my husband returned to his room, he was overjoyed and simply stunned that he'd been able to go outdoors.

“Other changes in my husband were immediate. He had been unwilling to drink liquids, but after returning from outside, he asked for a drink. My husband had not held a cup by himself in weeks. When he returned from outdoors with Jay, my husband began to hold a cup. These acts may seem simple, but they mean the world to my family. My husband has become a new, more confident, and stronger man. 

“My family faced many challenging moments that have tried our resolve, hope, and faith. Now, we feel incredibly indebted to Jay. He's a UVA Health treasure and truly one of a kind!”

Nomination edited for privacy and clarity.

Know a fabulous nurse?

The Nursing Professional Governance Organization honors up to two UVA nurses each month with a DAISY Award. Nominations may be submitted by patients or their families, visitors, and UVA Health team members. Learn more.

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