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‘Jumped Into Action Without Hesitation’: UVA Community Health Team Members Earn DAISY Awards

Congratulations to the Q1 2024 UVA Community Health DAISY Award winners! The national DAISY Award program celebrates and recognizes nurses based on nominations from team members, patients and their families, and team members.

Honorees — one from each of the three UVA Community Health medical centers in Northern Virginia — earn a DAISY Award certificate, “Healer’s Touch" sculpture, pin, congratulations banner, gift bag, and cinnamon rolls to share! They're also eligible for professional development, education, and wellness benefits.

See their shining nominations: 

'Fast Thinking, Willingness to Help, and Simple Act of Kindness'

Shannon Day, RN, Surgical Services, UVA Health Culpeper Medical Center 

Nominated by a colleague:  

“While we were working together in PACU [Post Anesthesia Care Unit], Shannon went above and beyond to help a patient and her family. The patient’s daughter and father were her primary and only caretakers. The daughter was brought to the bedside to review home care instructions. At this time, I learned that the patient’s husband had been taken to the Emergency Department (ED) for an accidental ingestion of the wrong meds.

"The daughter was very overwhelmed, trying to juggle the care of both her parents. Her plan was to drive home her mother and arrange for a neighbor to stay with her, then she would return to the ED to care for her father and transport him home. I made Shannon aware of the situation and she jumped into action without hesitation. She immediately asked the daughter if she could go with her to the ER and help prepare the father for discharge.

"The daughter was so grateful, and you could visibly see the stress leave her face. I stayed back with my patient, while Shannon and the daughter dressed, toileted, and cared for the father during discharge. Shannon and I wheeled both patients to the daughter’s car and helped transfer them. This fast thinking, willingness to help, and simple act of kindness, saved the daughter from having to make multiple trips and worrying about organizing care for both parents. The daughter hugged Shannon and I, expressing how much she appreciated the extra efforts to help them.

"This is just one example of so many times Shannon worked as a team player and advocate for her patients. I always look forward to my shifts with her, knowing she is an amazing team member and exemplary nurse! We are truly blessed to have her on our team!" 

'Gentle Truthfulness, Great Sensitivity, and Genuine Empathy'

Jeremy Judd, RN, Intensive Coronary Care Unit (ICCU) UVA Health Prince William Medical Center

Nominated by patient's family member:  

“My mother was brought into the ED, then into the ICU [Intensive Care Unit], and then to ICCU. We thought for several days that she might not recover. During that time, Jeremy showed amazing skill and patience as a nurse, taking care of every little detail my mother needed, and also helped us to have the difficult conversation with my mother and sister about whether to stop treatment and move her to Comfort Care.  

“We had not discussed this as a family before, and I wanted to include my mother in the conversation, but I did not know how to begin talking about it with her. Jeremy was a tremendous support for all of us, and approached this terribly difficult subject with gentle truthfulness, great sensitivity, and genuine empathy.

"He took time to explain the options with infinite patience and compassion, and always made sure my mother was included and understood what was going on. Jeremy showed particular kindness and compassion in consideration of the fact that we were having these difficult discussions on Mother's Day.  

“Jeremy also took time to show me around the other departments of the hospital so I could see where my mom might be moved to from the ICC if she were to switch to Comfort Care. He answered all my questions very thoroughly. His full trust in his colleagues in all departments of the hospital was very encouraging to see, and I felt completely reassured that she would be in good hands. I appreciate his special encouragement more than I can say.  

“Then my mother surprised us all with a miracle recovery — which I credit to the excellent care provided by him and his amazing colleagues — and was going to be discharged to a rehab center! Again, Jeremy took time to share thorough information about local options available, even on a day when my mother was not actually his patient.

"I appreciated that he showed professional respect for his colleagues by checking with the nurses assigned to my mother that day, to be certain they wouldn't mind if he spent time with our family to help us understand the possibilities for my mother's next steps. He took extra care and time to offer us every assurance, with genuine understanding and concern for our unique family circumstances, since my sister and I both live far away.  

“Jeremy also spoke highly of his colleagues in other departments and had the highest praise for managing the hospital. I have been in many hospitals, so I could see for myself that Prince William Medical Center has a very special, caring, positive ambience. Jeremy, with his own high level of skill as a nurse, his exceptional bedside manner, his overall good energy, and his untiring support for my mom and her family, is an outstanding example of ideal nursing care.

"He was part of a great team and worked beautifully and respectfully together with his colleagues. I was very impressed with all the team members I met, but Jeremy made an unforgettable impression on our family. My mom is doing well in the rehab clinic and all our discussions about her next steps now include the gentle and truthful conversations about death and dying, which we did not know how to talk about in our family before.

"We have had many profoundly meaningful and honest talks about life and death since that first conversation. Our mom has underlying health conditions ... but for as long as we have her, we know that our family relationships will benefit from the deeper and more truthful discussions we are now able to have — all thanks to Jeremy."

'It Was As If I Was His Only Patient'

Angelo Estrellas, BSN, RN, Medical Surgery West, UVA Health Haymarket Medical Center 

Nominated by a patient:

"I was admitted to the hospital for my second knee replacement. I had great care in 2019, but this experience far overcame all my expectations.

"Angelo was my night shift nurse. He was outstanding in the care and attention he provided to me. He was compassionate in all aspects of my care, taking the time to answer all my questions. He was empathetic about my situation and encouraging in helping me participate in my care. He worked with the clinical technician to coordinate helping me out of bed. In doing so, he gave us both very clear instructions, so I knew what was coming and how to move.

"Angelo gave frequent reassurances to my family. He understood I am hard of hearing, and he spoke clearly, took the time to be sure I understood. He has a personal and winning smile, showing me that he's in the right profession. He obviously loves nursing. It was as if I was his only patient. I never had to use the call bell."

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