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Like a ‘Favorite, Warm, Fuzzy Blanket’: PCT Fosters Nurturing Environment for Patients

Tabby McDaniels "was not bothered by time or other distractions ... solely focused on the patient and their needs at that very moment."

The Nursing Professional Governance Organization (NPGO) honors up to two UVA Health University Medical Center team members each month with a BEE (Being Excellent Everyday) Award.

Ambulatory Nursing Administrator Rachel Nauman, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, and NPGO Nursing Recognition and Retention Specialist Ashley Noguera, PMP, surprised Tabby McDaniels, PCT, Farmville Dialysis, with a BEE Award.

Jamie Wolfgang nominated the patient care technician:

"I've observed Tabitha going above and beyond to provide compassionate care to patients. She takes the time to sit and listen to a patient's wants, needs, concerns, challenges, and fears. Specifically, a patient experienced a life-altering medical event. Tabby pulled up a chair and sat down, just inside the entry way next to the patient in their wheelchair — listening intently — softly reassuring and validating the patient every moment.

"She was not bothered by time or other distractions within the clinic and was solely focused on the patient and their needs at that very moment. The patient responded very well and asked to be assisted to walk to the treatment chair which is amazing considering the life-altering medical emergency they recently experienced. Tabitha took the time to carefully assist the patient to the chair, restoring within the patient a sense of importance, of being human after many weeks in an ICU [intensive care unit] and SNF [skilled nursing facility].

"I watched and listened as Tabitha fostered yet again a nurturing, supportive, and therapeutic environment with all of her assigned patients — an environment that encouraged the patients to speak freely, trust, and relax while being reassured that she is there for anything they need. One patient in particular can often be resistant or suspicious. This has never swayed Tabby, but rather fostered her persistence to reach out to this individual.

"The direct environment was so soothing and calm that it immediately reminded me of a favorite, warm, fuzzy blanket fresh out of a dryer. Like a silent, big hug you never knew you needed but felt as you watched, waited, and interacted in her work area. How lucky we are to have someone who strives to create this for each and every patient that she works with! What an example of re-engaging with patients and encouraging them to re-engage with their health care team. Thank you, Tabby! I am blessed to be part of your team!"

Know a Deserving Team Member?

The BEE Award recognizes UVA Health University Medical Center team members who work alongside our nurses to impact patients' experiences — just as bees and flowers depend on one another. Submit a nomination.

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