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National Blood Supply Shortage Requires Careful Clinical Coordination

We write to make you aware of the current serious state of the nation's blood supply. In brief, our blood supplier, the American Red Cross/ARC (and indeed all blood suppliers in the US) are facing unrelenting and mounting challenges for the supply of blood. These include:

The Red Cross is projecting significant and sustained blood and platelet shortages for the remainder of the calendar year. These shortages will sometimes be severe and will limit their ability to meet UVA Health System’s need for blood.

The ARC has asked us to reduce by 10% our usage of red blood cells, platelets, and cryoprecipitate for the remainder of the calendar year.

We would appreciate it if you would make the service lines and other relevant stakeholders aware of the shortage, as well as our specific asks, below:

We are asking:

Thank you for working collaboratively with the blood bank so that we may be able to weather this crisis with as little impact as possible. Know that the ARC is devoting a great deal of resources to solving the current blood shortage problem.

James D. Gorham, MD PhD
Medical Director, Blood Bank and Transfusion Medicine Service
Department of Pathology

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