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Nurse Guided Family Through the Fall of Their Superman: ‘COVID Became His Kryptonite’

Wendy Bradley, RN, Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU), recently cared for a COVID patient who was transitioning to comfort care. The family was located hours away, so Wendy provided the family an opportunity to say goodbye remotely. A colleague noticed the compassion that Wendy provided, saying it “will impact me for the rest of my career.” The team member nominated Wendy for a DAISY Award, which she recently received in a surprise ceremony. Read the full story below.

“As a COVID ICU and MICU nurse, Wendy Bradley has provided nursing care to COVID-positive patients since the beginning of this pandemic. She has worked tirelessly to stabilize these patients during these difficult days as well as comfort them at the end of their lives. Recently, I witnessed Wendy at an end-of-life patient care situation that I believe will impact me for the rest of my career.

“Wendy had worked with this patient for several shifts. I remember when he was admitted to the COVID ICU, he shared a story with me about the hat he was wearing that had the Superman symbol on it. He said his grandchildren gave it to him, and they referred to him as their Superman, since he had survived a lung transplant years prior.

“Sadly, COVID became his kryptonite, and he couldn't overcome its effects. Wendy worked diligently to coordinate all the complex details of his quite complicated care, including multiple IV drips, ventilator, and continuous dialysis, to name a few, to keep Superman alive.

“This patient, who had become so frail, simply couldn't maintain any longer. His family honored his wishes and made the decision to transition to comfort care, which I am certain was the most difficult decision of their lives.

“Sadly, his family was not able to travel three hours from their home to UVA to be with this patient at the end of his life for fear of contracting COVID themselves. When Wendy realized that his family wasn't able to be present at the end of his life, she created a plan and coordinated with the family for the next best option: to have them as present as they could be.

“She gathered an iPad and called the family, so that they could talk to him and see him before the process of transitioning to comfort care started. During the removal of the breathing tube, she turned the iPad away from the patient, then quickly resumed the call right afterwards because she knew his time was very limited. She sat in a chair beside Superman in full COVID PPE the entire time while his family was on the iPad call. She held his hand for the family, since they weren't able to. She allowed the family to see him and to talk to him during the final moments of his life. She witnessed his last words to his family, which were, ‘I love you.’ She cried a little with the family, too. She even visited with the family dog when everyone had stepped away briefly.

“Wendy was present and in-the-moment during this tremendously sad time for this patient and his family. She showed tremendous compassion, empathy, and grace during a very difficult time. Wendy simultaneously provided a peaceful and dignified death for this patient while ensuring that his family was able to share his last words and last moments.”

Nomination edited for clarity.

Know a fabulous nurse?
The Professional Nursing Staff Organization honors up to two UVA RNs each month with a DAISY Award. Nominations may be submitted by patients, patient families, visitors, and fellow UVA team members. Learn more at

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