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Eduardo Bustamante, RN (contributed photo)


Nurse’s Attention to Detail (and a Favorite Snack) Allowed Patient to ‘Relax in the Face of Uncertainty’

A patient’s daughter recently praised Eduardo Bustamante, RN, Coronary Care Unit, for the care he gave to her father. She described Eduardo as a force of calm and appreciated how he ensured the family understood what was happening. Because of this, the daughter nominated Eduardo for a DAISY Award, which he recently received during a surprise ceremony. Read the daughter’s nomination letter below.

“My father was brought to UVA with severe chest pains. My mother and I made the two hour drive both anxious and nervous of what would await us upon arrival. As someone who works in a healthcare facility, it takes quite a bit to impress me, especially when it comes to patient care.

“Eduardo was my father's RN for two consecutive days. While the doctor would explain the treatment plan and procedures and leave the room, Eduardo would immediately come in behind and answer any questions we had. He made sure to explain things in a clear, concise manner.

“My father is a man of few emotions. It was very obvious how worried he was. Each time that Eduardo came into the room and would check on him or answer our questions, my father's blood pressure would lower, and it was visibly noticeable that he would relax.

“When they took my father down for his procedure, Eduardo came into the room to check on us. Eduardo exemplifies not just extraordinary patient care, but he extended that same grace to me and my mother.

“After my father's procedure, Eduardo had Jell-O, as promised, awaiting my father upon his return to the room. He had briefly overheard that Jell-O is one of my father's favorite snacks.

“I can't tell you what it means to my family that Eduardo made sure my father was fully understanding everything that was going on around him and that his presence allowed my father to relax in the face of such uncertainty.”

Nomination edited for clarity.

Know a fabulous nurse?
The Professional Nursing Staff Organization honors up to two UVA RNs each month with a DAISY Award. Nominations may be submitted by patients, patient families, visitors, and fellow UVA team members. Learn more at

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