Opportunities to Nominate Faculty: Dean’s Office Annual Faculty Awards
Please consider nominating a colleague for one or more of the awards below. The deadline for submitting a nomination packet is Friday, June 23, 2017.
Dean’s Clinical Excellence Award
Deadline: June 23, 2017
Award: $1,500 and a gift
Details: http://faculty.med.virginia.edu/facultyaffairs/honors/deans-office-awards/clinical-excellence-award/
Dean’s Excellence in Teaching Award
Deadline: June 23, 2017
Award: $1,500 and a gift
Details: http://faculty.med.virginia.edu/facultyaffairs/honors/deans-office-awards/teaching-excellence-award/
*Please note that the primary nominator must be a student (medical student, biomedical sciences (BIMS) PhD candidate, or MPH candidate)
Dean’s Excellence in Faculty Research Awards
Deadline: June 23, 2017
Award: $1,500 for individual awards; for the team science award, $1,500 for each faculty team member, up to $6,000/team.
Details: http://faculty.med.virginia.edu/facultyaffairs/honors/deans-office-awards/research-excellence-award/
Robert J. Kadner Award for Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award
Deadline: June 23, 2017
Award: $1,500 and membership in the Academy for Distinguished Educators
Details: http://faculty.med.virginia.edu/facultyaffairs/honors/deans-office-awards/kadner-award/
* Please note that the primary nominator must be a graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, or clinical fellow.
David A. Harrison Distinguished Educator Award
Deadline: June 23, 2017
Award: $10,000/year for five years, membership in the Academy for Distinguished Educators, and title in perpetuity
Details: http://faculty.med.virginia.edu/facultyaffairs/honors/deans-office-awards/harrison-award/
Sharon L. Hostler Women in Medicine Leadership Award
Deadline: June 23, 2017
Award: A certificate of recognition and a gift
Details: https://faculty.med.virginia.edu/facultyaffairs/honors/deans-office-awards/hostler-award/
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