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Patient On Her Way to Becoming a Nurse — Inspired By Care From UVA Health Children’s Nurse

"Kendall was holding her hand and listening to all her fears and frustrations. I think my daughter confided in Kendall in a way she could not confide in me." 

The Nursing Professional Governance Organization (NPGO) honors up to two UVA Health University Medical Center nurses each month with a DAISY Award. Associate Chief Nursing Officer Karin Skeen, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, and DAISY Award Committee Chair Leanne DavisRN, surprised Kendall Price, RN, UVA Health Children's, Battle Building 5th floor, with an award.

Leigh Branham, M.Ed., Library Media Specialist, Hospital Education Program at UVA Health, nominated Price:

"Kendall has had such an impact on my daughter that I feel called to share our story. Gracie was diagnosed with stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma. It was the beginning of her senior year in high school, and she was truly dumbfounded by this news (as was our entire community). She was so brave and confident leading up to the first round of inpatient chemo and was ready to go and get this chapter of her life moving and over.

"We arrived at the Battle Building early — bags packed, ready. Gracie had several tests to do before we would make our way to the seventh floor. It was a long day. Since only one adult could stay with our daughter overnight, her dad had headed home to catch the end of her twin brother's football game while I stayed. Around 4 p.m., she was very tired and beginning to get a little emotional. Around this time, a doctor came to let us know that chemo might not begin today as there was a snag with insurance. As my daughter began to cry and really have a breakdown, Kendall quietly entered the room.

"Honestly, I was very frazzled and emotional at this point and knew I was really not helping Gracie at all. Kendall saw this. She silently nodded when I indicated I needed to step out to gather my thoughts and emotions. She sat down beside Gracie, and they began to quietly talk. Kendall was holding Gracie's hand and listening to all her fears and frustrations. I think Gracie confided in Kendall in a way she could not confide in me.

"As the mom, I felt I needed to have an answer for everything and needed to make everything right. Kendall, without even knowing it, showed me that I didn't need to have all the answers — instead, I just needed to listen and be present. Kendall has a quiet but strong presence. She is patient and kind. She is caring, joyful, and fun. Gracie adores her.

"Fast forward to present day and you will find Gracie in her second year of nursing school. She even received a scholarship which was awarded for a presentation she made on how much Kendall has impacted her decision to become a nurse. For all of these reasons as well as so many more, I nominate Kendall Price for the DAISY Award. I cannot think of a more deserving individual!"

Know a Fabulous Nurse?
"DAISY" stands for "Diseases Attacking the Immune System." The DAISY Award was established by The DAISY Foundation in memory of J. Patrick Barnes, who died at the age of only 33 of an autoimmune disease. The Barnes Family was awestruck by the clinical skills, caring, and compassion of his nurses, so they created this national award to thank nurses everywhere.

At UVA Health University Medical Center — patients or their families, visitors, and team members may submit a DAISY Award nomination

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