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Phase II of Project Nightingale Will Speed Epic Training for New Ambulatory Nurses

On Monday, Aug. 22, the Epic training team will launch phase two of Project Nightingale, an improvement initiative designed to significantly reduce the time nurses who are onboarding spend in training. This second phase is targeted to new ambulatory nurses who would have previously taken Clinical Support Training, now renamed AMB Nurse Training. The changes will significantly reduce in-class instruction by shifting more of the onboarding curriculum to Computer Based Learning modules. This shift will provide learners with a more flexible learning experience. 

“The second phase of Project Nightingale will build on the success of phase one. It will not only reduce time spent in the classroom, but also introduce a new test out option for nurses with previous Epic experience,” notes Epic Training Manager Shenia Thompson. “We’re pleased with our results so far, and can’t wait to introduce even more efficient routes to learning in future phases of this project.” 

Key Phase II improvements for ambulatory nurses include the following:

Thompson and her Epic Training colleagues continue to meet with advisory board members to gauge Project Nightingale’s success. The advisory group has recommended changes to Phase I for inpatient nurses and also helped test and evaluate the new training material for ambulatory nurses.

Key changes and improvements that have been made during Phase I for inpatient nurses include:

During each phase of Project Nightingale, the Epic training team will continue to gather feedback from nursing leaders, preceptors, educators, and learners to adjust the revamped curriculum and make sure it is effective. If you are a nurse leader or educator with ideas or suggestions, the Epic training team welcomes your feedback.  

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