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(l-r) Safety and Security team members Charles Martin, Bizz Glover, and Colin Clements


Safety and Security: What Is the Safety Walk?

When the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, it’s time for the “safety walk.” It occurs every year, and its sole purpose is to keep our staff, patients, and visitors safe from any potential outdoor hazards.

Around 25 people representing a variety of groups across Grounds, including the Security Management Workgroup, the Safety and Security Subcommittee, UVA Health leadership and frontline staff, as well as the University threat assessment team, perform a careful assessment of our campus after dark. “We cover any building that is included as part of University Medical Center,” says Bizz Glover, Clinical Risk Manager in the Department of Patient Safety and Risk Management, and Co-Chair of the Security Management Workgroup.

Participants have a two-week window to do their rounds. They pair up after sunset to walk the perimeter of their assigned location, looking for safety hazards like:

“It’s important that we prioritize the safety of our staff, and we want to make sure that they feel secure leaving their shifts, walking to their cars or across grounds, particularly when the conditions are less than ideal,” says Glover. “I completed my rounds in the rain, and poor conditions like that are exactly when you can see opportunities for improvement.”

Colin Clements and Bizz Glover

Safety walk participants aren’t the only ones who can act as safety sleuths. Glover encourages anyone who sees a potential hazard to email her or fellow Security Management Workgroup Co-Chair Colin Clements directly. Or you can also submit a 2-FIXX ticket to Facilities Management.

“Staff who are walking back to their car every night are going to be much more aware than those of us who round once a year,” says Glover. “It’s so helpful to have other people actively looking for hazards.”

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