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Sanja Matic Named 2022 Health Unit Coordinator of the Year

Sanja Matic, Health Unit Coordinator (HUC), Acute Cardiology, was recently named the 2022 HUC of the Year. Each year, the Professional Nursing Staff Organization recognizes a HUC based on nominations received from team members. Sanja’s nominations describe how she has earned the respect of her colleagues for her teamwork, empathy, and dedication to patients and their families. 

A total of 11 HUCs were nominated for the HUC of the Year Award:

Read Sanja’s nominations below.

Congratulations to Sanja and all the nominees!

Nomination 1

Customer Service
“When Sanja was hired as a HUC, it was obvious that she would be a right fit for our unit. Her role is in serving patients and supporting the staff. Sanja really enjoys this job and shows clear appreciation of the workplace. She is efficient in her work, and patient safety is always a priority for her. When bed alarms activate, she always makes sure that the staff act upon the situation. She alerts the staff and always follows through to make sure the patient is safely back to bed.

“She is positive and strong with communication, and she always offers her help. Sanja has good people skills, and she notices when we are struggling without even telling her. In these situations, her assistance and positive influence does not go unnoticed.

Patient Advocacy
“When patients are having complaints and come to the HUC's desk, Sanja listens carefully and addresses their needs and issues with primary nurses. If issues are not resolved with a primary nurse, Sanja notifies the charge nurse to make sure the issue is addressed appropriately. When Sanja notices unsafe situations, she speaks up and notifies management.

“Sanja is kind, caring, and compassionate with patients and staff. When we have patients who do not speak English and they are calling out for help, Sanja makes sure that they get immediate assistance. She is also bilingual, and we have used her assistance when addressing patients’ needs in order to achieve better outcomes. She listens to staff and patients’ complaints very carefully and has the ability to look at the situation from their point of view.

“Teamwork is an important aspect for Sanja. She never goes home after her shift without asking if there is anything else she can do for us. Sanja works as a HUC on 4 East and 4 Central, and she always checks on her coworkers and offers assistance, especially in emergent situations. She makes sure that HUCs that are new at this role get adequate training, and she is a great resource for them even after they are done with orientation. She has great people skills, such as motivation, adaptability, and problem-solving, which makes Sanja a great asset to our unit. When I work with Sanja, I know that things will be done. It is a pleasure having Sanja on our unit, and I hope she gets this award because she truly deserves it.”

Nomination 2

Customer Service
“I have been on 4 East for five years, and in that time, I strongly feel that Sanja is the best HUC we have had on our unit. Sanja truly grasps and empathizes with the work that we do on 4 East. She treats each patient like they are her responsibility, and she cares for them as she would her own family. Every time a patient has a need or request, she goes to the patient's bedside immediately and provides them what they need.

“She remembers each patient's request. For example, we had a patient that was on 4 East for a surgical work-up. The patient was very nervous about their procedure, and Sanja said, ‘I remember you love chocolate ice cream. If it's OK with your nurse, can I get that for you?’ That is just one example. After one shift with a patient, she usually has most, if not all, of the patients' preferences memorized and even ensures that patients follow their ordered fluid restrictions and diet. Sanja does all of these things without being asked and takes pride in patient satisfaction. She has no idea how much of a pleasure it has been working with her for the last few years.

Patient Advocacy
“Sanja treats each patient as an individual and cares for them with respect and dignity. We have recently been having more trouble with patients in isolation rooms not getting their trays delivered to them due to short staffing. She knows how important meals are while patients are in the hospital, as it is one of the only forms of autonomy a patient has while in the hospital. She will call and order patients’ meals, she will go to the cafeteria for the nurses if they don't have time to get their patients a meal, and she helps pick up trays for the dietary staff when she notices they are running behind. Sanja makes notes or memorizes patient needs.

“One of our patients a few months ago was on a strict pain regimen because of their illness. The patient would call out frequently and ask for pain medication. Sanja asked the nurse the regimen, so she could educate the patient and inform them when their next pain medication is due. In the meantime, she would offer other therapies, such as ice or heat packs, a warm cup of tea, etc. She is more than a HUC. She is one of the best patient providers because she wants each patient to feel as comfortable as possible while in the hospital.

“Sanja moved to the United States from Serbia, so she knows what it is like to navigate a new, unfamiliar, and sometimes scary, environment. If a patient speaks another language, she will make sure the blue phone or Cyracom is available for translating to make sure the patient and family truly understand the plan of care. Sanja will alert a nurse or PCA [patient care assistant] immediately if she feels a patient is in distress or needs help. If no one is available, Sanja goes directly to the patient and makes sure everything is alright and does not hesitate to call for help.

“On a more personal level, Sanja seems to know when I'm having a bad day, when I'm sad, or when I’m not feeling well. A few weeks ago, I had a cold and just felt so tired and depleted. Sanja made me my FAVORITE recipe of hers (which I call "Sanja's rice") and brought it to work for me, and I just wanted to cry happy tears. When I confide in Sanja, I trust her and know that she is listening to me — truly listening. Just being in Sanja's presence makes me feel calmer and more comfortable because I know whole-heartedly that she is going to help and support me, as well as other staff and patients, through any troubles they endure.

“I always say that the HUC is the most influential team member on the unit. They are the first face seen when entering 4 East. They are the voice on the other side of the call bell. Sanja is the epitome if a team player when it comes to keeping our unit organized, showing empathy to patients, and really understanding the importance of teamwork. I oriented to charge nurse just prior to Sanja being hired on 4 East. I was in a new role and a ball of nerves. I always felt like I needed a helping hand or advice or just someone to remind me to drink water and eat lunch. Sanja is that person. She seems to know the answer to everything and is always willing to complete a task herself and not ask others, as long as it is appropriate. Sanja always shows up to work early and will stay late. If we need extra help but her shift has ended, she will not leave until she knows that everyone has what they need (not that I encourage overworking). Her shift times vary, sometimes starting at 7 a.m. and sometimes ending at 11 p.m., but she always shows up with a smile and caring heart ready to work. If I need to know the answer to something, Sanja knows the answer 99% of the time, and if she doesn't, she knows where to find it. Sometimes I wonder if Sanja went to nursing school because her intuition and empathy are undeniable. I cannot speak more highly of Sanja, and I do not know how we got so lucky to have her. I do know that wherever life takes me, I have a friend for life.”

Nomination 3

Customer Service
“Sanja has been the epitome of HUC of the Year. She is always in the right place at the right time. Not only does she demonstrate exceptional acts of skill as a stellar HUC but also as a caring, compassionate, positive member of the Acute Cardiology team. On many occasions, Sanja has gone above and beyond her HUC duties to attend to patients when other staff is busy. She always checks with the nurse to make sure patients can have whatever they are asking for, such as drinks or snacks, and yet somehow is always at the desk ready for whatever comes her way. Several times I have come to Sanja in a frenzy, needing to get several things done at once, and she is always there ready to help, whether it’s contacting dietary, ordering equipment, or offering to pass on a message to our charge nurse.

Patient Advocacy
“Sanja is not only kind to our fellow staff, but she is beyond helpful and caring to our patients and their family members. She speaks so gently with the patients and makes sure they are getting the most effect care, always notifying the most appropriate staff member of what the patient needs. I remember when I first started as a new nurse, Sanja always made sure I was included in my patients’ care along with my preceptor. She goes above and beyond to make sure our patients are well taken care of.

"We have had many instances where we have had combative patients or disgruntled family members on our unit. Sanja not only keeps her cool in those stressful situations but understands procedure to escalate the situation when needed. But she is never distracted from the rest of the unit. She answers the call bells, talks to family members, and runs the unit like nothing is going on. Once an event is deescalated, she is always there to help staff work through the situation and come up with a plan for dealing with the patient or family in the future.

“Our unit could not possibly run without Sanja. She is organized, on top of every detail, and excels in everything she does. Sanja always arrives to work at least a half an hour early to prepare for the day ahead. She makes sure our day and night staff have what they need to be successful in their days as well. So many times, I have seen Sanja pick up extra shifts, making her day a 16-hour day, to make sure the unit and staff have the support they need. She is always ready to jump in when we need her and always knows the answers. If she doesn’t, she finds out and makes things happen. She is not only a team player but the heart of Acute Cardiology. As hard as I've tried, there are just no words to describe what a wonderful and essential part of our team Sanja is.”

Nominations edited for clarity.

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