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Shining Moments: A Look Back at Our Numbers

Perspective is important. It is very easy to get caught up in our day-to-day work, however, we should all step back from time to time and lift our heads to survey and review what you and your colleagues at UVA Health have accomplished. 

Our institution has an abundance of numbers: lab values and days in the hospital and dollars and FTEs and deadlines and supplies and all manner of data critical to the daily function of an academic medical center. Below is just a small sampling of some impressive year-end numbers and accolades for UVA Health. Thanks to you and your colleagues for making those numbers real, and for translating them in meaningful ways to advance our clinical, research, education, and community missions. These are numbers of which we should all be proud.

In the coming months, UVA Health will launch its annual employee engagement survey. Take a moment to reflect on the past year. What numbers are YOU most proud of?





engagement survey 2022

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