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Shining Moments: Opening Channels for Two-Way Feedback and Communication

UVA Health leadership has made a commitment to open and honest communication — inviting all team members to engage with leadership and “Be Heard.” Through this commitment, leadership has made available various channels for sharing your voice and receiving genuine feedback.

Wendy Horton, Medical Center CEO, started her Vision and Voice blog on the premise of using feedback and communication to “meet challenges head-on and uncover the opportunities that will continue to drive UVA Health to new heights.”

Through the Be Heard suggestion box on her blog, for example, a nurse requested access to communicator masks, which have a transparent panel that allows hearing-impaired individuals to read lips. As a result, any unit can easily request communicator masks from Supply Chain (by emailing

Other examples of Be Heard in action:

What are YOU most proud of?

This year’s engagement survey is open now through Friday, Nov. 11, and leadership is asking that you take time to reflect on your past year and provide direct feedback about how we are succeeding and where we have opportunities to grow. You can find your personalized survey invitation in your inbox, dated Tuesday, Oct. 4. (Note: UVA Community Health team members will participate in the engagement survey Nov. 28-Dec. 19.)

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