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‘Strength, Courage, and Grace in the Face of Fear’

This is the latest installment in our Connect article series “Hope at Work” — showcasing inspiring stories about how our team members contribute to UVA Health’s 10-year strategic plan: “One Future Together Health and Hope for All.” No matter where you work, you have an opportunity to inspire hope in others. These stories show how:

Brent Kellum, Director, Business Intelligence, joined UVA School of Medicine Dean’s Office in 2017, after moving to the Charlottesville, Virginia area from Florida with his wife Amanda Griffin and their two daughters and two sons. At the time, he never could've imagined the drama that would suddenly unfold only a few years later, not far from his workplace.

In November 2022, Brent rushed his then 16-year-old daughter to UVA Health University Medical Center’s Emergency Department, with what he thought was a severe sinus infection — similar to the ones Bella often had when she was a little girl. This time, Bella had been suffering with a fever and declining health for several days, but her father never suspected the situation was so serious it would result in emergency surgery within hours of her evaluation.

'Leading in the Delivery of the Best and Most Advanced Patient Care'

An exam by then third-year neurosurgery resident Jonathan Yun, MD — and a CT scan — revealed Bella’s infection from her impacted sinus cavities was leaking into her brain membrane. Dr. Yun explains that a subdural empyema is a neurosurgical emergency, and Bella's was compressing the part of her brain responsible for movement of her left side.

"I will never forget the strength, courage, and grace in the face of fear demonstrated by Bella and her family," Dr. Yun shares with Connect from New Zealand, where he's now spending his fifth year of training as part of our Neurosurgical Residency Program. "I am honored to have been a part of the amazing multimodal team of nurses, doctors, and medical staff involved in her care."

An emergency craniotomy was scheduled later that day to clear Bella’s infection and prevent subsequent swelling. UVA Health providers prepped Bella for surgery, after explaining the condition and procedure and giving her family time to ask questions.

Brent says the genuine care and empathy shown to Bella and her family was truly remarkable and brought enormous comfort. A neurosurgeon even took the time to braid Bella’s hair before surgery to minimize the area on her head that had to be shaved to access her infection. “It was a moment of incredible compassion I will never forget,” Brent recalls.

He and his family also are grateful to Debbie-Ann Shirley, MD, pediatric infectious diseases specialist, for her work to eliminate Bella’s infection.

They’re also thankful for UVA Health’s Continuum Home Health for smooth delivery of medicines and supplies. And to Amanda Hendrix, PNP, and the neurosurgery team for care during follow-up visits. "Bella is an amazing young lady who remained brave and stoic throughout her many surgeries. It was an absolute pleasure to care for her and her family and see her through this hurdle in her life," says Hendrix.

'Why I Went Into Medicine in the First Place'

The journey wasn’t quite over. After undergoing the lifesaving craniotomy, Bella underwent cranioplasty for osteoplastic reconstruction in April 2023.

The family credits Jonathan Black, MD, plastic surgeon, with minimizing scarring. “I remember meeting Bella with Dr. John Jane, Jr. before her reconstructive surgery. She had been through so much and was so brave. It was my pleasure to help her in any way I could and I'm glad that I was able to help. It’s patients like Bella and her family that are why I went into medicine in the first place,” says Dr. Black.

Bella has made a full recovery, including hair regrowth.

Full Circle

And we’re thrilled to report that In June 2024, with her parents Brent and Amanda and her siblings beaming proudly, Bella graduated from Albemarle High School.

Her father says she always had an interest in medicine growing up — and the lifesaving actions of the UVA Health team that got her back on her feet, piqued her interest in research. Bella is a big step closer to making that dream a reality, as she joins Virginia Tech in Blacksburg in fall 2024 with plans to study biomedical engineering.

One UVA Health Team

Brent and his family are extremely grateful — not only for the amazing clinical care Bella received from UVA Health providers — but for their professionalism, empathy, and respect throughout the process.

“Thank you, UVA Health, and every member of the team who helped care for our daughter!” hails Brent. “She’s healthy and doing better than I could’ve ever imagined!” 

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