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‘Thank You for Ensuring This Patient Feels Seen and Heard!’: UVA Health Pharmacist Sulekha Jain Earns BEE Award

"I am a firm believer in acknowledging people who go above and beyond in their work."

UVA Health University Medical Center Chief Operating Officer Min Lee, MBA, MHA, and NPGO Nursing Recognition and Retention Specialist Ashley Noguera, PMP, surprised Sulekha Jain, PharmD, Ambulatory Pharmacy, with a BEE (Being Excellent Everyday) Award. Only up to two UVA Health University Medical Center team members are recognized this way by the Nursing Professional Governance Organization (NPGO) each month.

Connie Clark, Injury Prevention Coordinator, Trauma Program, nominated Jain:

"I'm a firm believer in acknowledging people who go above and beyond in their work and this pharmacist does just that for patients! I teach balance for people 65 and over at [housing] on Prospect, and at a recent class, one of the participants looked anything but okay. I immediately asked what was going on and they said they had not been well and didn't have test strips to check their blood sugar for six weeks.

"They had tried many times to get them, but a [chain] pharmacy said they did not have the scrip the patient was certain a doctor had sent over. The patient even walked to the UVA Health doctor's office, and both he and his nurse verified the scrip had been sent.

"At this [housing] on Prospect, many residents often feel less than heard or seen, and so this patient was worn out and had given up. I immediately called our UVA Health Outpatient Pharmacy at Education Resource Center, and since this is a UVA Health patient, I was connected with the amazing and wonderful Su!

"She immediately went to work to see what could be done. She found out this patient qualified for a whole new blood sugar check system and reached out to the [chain] pharmacy — and would you believe they suddenly found the scrip! Su immediately had it transferred over and within the hour, I picked up the new system, delivered it to the patient, who immediately checked their blood sugar and found it was 501! They gave themselves insulin and within 60 minutes had it down to 230. They called the doctor and within two days, the sugar was back in normal range.

"This is all thanks to Su who went above and beyond with grace and kindness to help someone who so often feels unseen and unheard. When I see someone who truly practices [the ASPIRE values] we preach — I want to make sure someone higher up is aware of their efforts. So thank you, Su, for helping this patient — not only physically, but also for ensuring this patient feels seen and heard!"

Know a Deserving Team Member?

The BEE Award recognizes UVA Health University Medical Center team members who work alongside our nurses to impact patients' experiences — just as bees and flowers depend on one another. Submit a nomination.

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