‘Then Quentin Came to the Rescue’
Learn how this UVA Health team member stepped in to help an injured patient whose wife with severe dementia, tried to wander around the Emergency Department.
UVA Health University Medical Center Halima Walker, MSN, RN, CCRN, NEA-BC, Nurse Manager, Patient Care Services, and Nursing Governance Coordinator Jenny Ernest surprised Quentin Fridley, Patient Companion, Staffing Resource Office, with a BEE (Being Excellent Everyday) Award.
Kate Kasen, RN, MSN, CEN, NEA-BC, Nurse Manager, Emergency Department, nominated Fridley:
"Quentin is at baseline a fantastic resource. He works closely with the Emergency Department (ED) charge nurses to help ensure all of our companion needs are met, and helps troubleshoot in real time when changes need to be made because of patient condition (such as the requirement of a specific companion), provide lunch breaks, or act as a resource to his fellow companions.
"We had a patient come into the ED after suffering a fall while taking his wife to one of her appointments. The patient's wife suffered from severe dementia and was attempting to wander throughout the unit. Unfortunately, the patient could not fulfill this need as he was injured after his fall. The patient called for family to pick up his wife, but they had to drive from Northern Virginia and would not be able to pick up the wife for several hours.
"ED team members attempted everything they could to redirect his wife, but to no success — she continued to try to wander. At this time, we had more than 110 patients in the department (80-bed unit), with very high patient acuity.
"Then Quentin came to the rescue.
"Quentin arrived and spent the next two and a half hours with that patient's wife until the family arrived, despite his shift ending a half hour before. He recognized the vulnerability of this patient and his wife, and provided peace of mind to the patient that his wife would be taken care of such that he could focus on his own medical need. This also allowed the care team to focus on the patient and give him the care he required, as well as care for other patients.
"We are so thankful to have Quentin as a part of our team."

Know a Deserving Team Member?
Every month, the Nursing Professional Governance Organization (NPGO) honors up to two UVA Health University Medical Center team members with the BEE Award. It recognizes UVA Health University Medical Center team members who work alongside our nurses to impact patients' experiences — just as bees and flowers depend on one another. Submit a nomination.
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Remarkable story! What an exceptional difference Quentin made for all involve, a model of our ASPIRE Values! Well done, Quentin!