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UVA Health Is Helping Local Health District Vaccinate Community Members Aged 75 and Up

Dear UVA Health Colleagues,

We have important news about COVID-19 vaccinations in our community. In support of the Blue Ridge Health District (BRHD), UVA Health has begun offering COVID-19 vaccine to a list of area residents who are age 75 and older. Individuals on the list — which was compiled by BRHD — have received instructions for scheduling their vaccinations at UVA Health. (See invitation details below.)

Vaccine Roll-Out is Progressing 

Until now, UVA Health has only been authorized to offer vaccine to our own workforce, which has been designated as Phase 1a (top priority) by the VDH. Phase 1a includes healthcare workers and residents of long-term care facilities. Vaccinating individuals who are age 75 and older represents a transition to the next phase of public health prioritization, 1b.

Community Scheduling Process

The Blue Ridge Health District has asked UVA Health to vaccinate a list of approximately 5,500 area residents age 75 and older who completed an online survey indicating their interest in being vaccinated. UVA Health has sent messages to those individuals with instructions for scheduling their first dose appointment online or by calling the BRHD hotline for assistance. Second dose appointments — which are needed to gain the full benefit of vaccination — are being scheduled during the first dose visit. 

How to Handle Patient Inquiries

In opening up our vaccination clinic to the community, UVA Health continues to follow the directives and support the priorities of the Virginia Department of Health. Currently, the VDH is allocating vaccine supplies to groups that are at highest risk of experiencing severe or fatal cases of COVID-19. Find VDH allocation information here.

Reminders to UVA Health Employees

Opening up the vaccination process to more people will change how vaccination supplies are allocated. Future vaccine shipments may not be allocated to our workforce. 

We anticipate that the status of vaccination programs and supplies will change rapidly in the weeks ahead and will keep you informed about all major developments.


Hospital Epidemiology

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