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‘When You See Her, You Know It’s Going to Be a Good Day!’

"'I just love Tammy, she is THE BEST!'"  

At the Battle Building, UVA Health University Medical Center Chief Operating Officer Min Lee, MHA, MBA, and Nursing Governance Coordinator Jenny Ernest surprised Tammy Waugh, Access Associate, Peri-Operative Services, with a BEE (Being Excellent Everyday) Award.

Former BEE Award winner Courtni Tapp, Patient Care Technician, and Nicole Rodriguez, Patient Services Assistant, nominated Waugh:

"A patient came in to have surgery at Outpatient Surgery Center (OPSC). During his case, his wife was found upstairs having difficulty breathing. Tammy Waugh gathered all the information about his wife and came downstairs to tell the nurse what was going on. We got the patient ready to be discharged, and brought him over to the ER to be with his wife.

"Tammy went upstairs and got the patient a little candy and told him she'd check on him before she left at 1900. When she got off, she walked all the way over to the ER and asked him how he and his wife were; because he was going to have surgery, he had not eaten since the day before.

"Tammy, out of her own pocket, left and went and got the patient food. She stayed with them till around 2030 to make sure they needed nothing else and to make sure they had a ride arranged if the wife was to be discharged.

"This is just a small example of the selfless person Tammy is. She is outgoing, caring, loving, respectful, and goes out of her way constantly for the care of the patients and families. Tammy is the type of person that when you see her, you know it's going to be a good day! She brings so much joy and happiness to the unit. I have witnessed several conversations when Tammy has walked away and team members declare, 'I just love Tammy, she is THE BEST!'"

Know a Deserving Team Member?

Every month, the Nursing Professional Governance Organization (NPGO) honors up to two UVA Health University Medical Center team members with this award.

The BEE Award recognizes UVA Health University Medical Center team members who work alongside our nurses to impact patients' experiences — just as bees and flowers depend on one another. Submit a nomination.

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