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Your Open Enrollment Toolkit Is Here!

Benefits Update

Benefits Open Enrollment occurs October 7-18, 2024. The Open Enrollment website is open, and this email details benefits changes that will take effect January 1, 2025, resources and tools you need to learn regarding your benefits, and what you can do to prepare.

This is a busy time of year, and your benefits are an important financial investment. Take advantage of all the benefits UVA offers you this year and be ready to choose when Open Enrollment opens in Workday. 

Benefits Changes
Important changes you will want to understand

Benefits changes for plan year 2025 include the following:

Resources and Tools
Know your options

Be a part of a healthy community! Compare and select the best health, dental, vision, and benefit savings account options for you and your family using some of these resources:

Open Enrollment Website

Aetna Website - Review medical cost estimates based on your current health plan option, and your Aetna A1A team is ready to help explain medical care costs, coordinate care and approvals, and connect you with available resources. Live interpreters stand ready to assist in multiple languages. Call 800.987.9072 and say “translator” or “interpreter.”

Open Enrollment Town Hall – In addition to two Open Enrollment presentations offered Sep. 24 and Sep. 26 by the HR Benefits team, the Open Enrollment Town Hall on Oct. 2 will include presentations by the Hoos Well well-being team, UVA Faculty and Employee Assistance Program (FEAP), HR Benefits team, Fidelity, TIAA, and Savi. Additional time will be given for Q&A. Visit the Presentations webpage for a full schedule.

Mark Your Calendar
Important dates for Open Enrollment

(Click here for instructions on adding all Open Enrollment events to your Outlook calendar.)

Sep. 24–26: Benefits Presentations - Hear about benefits changes, resources, key dates and come prepared to ask questions. Register below. Presentations are not customized for any school or unit, so attend any presentation that fits your schedule. Both options listed below will offer the same content.

Oct. 9–10: Financial and Retirement Webinars and Workshops - These webinars offer you the ability to dive deeper into certain topics and ask questions from HR staff and UVA vendors. See more details about the webinars on the Presentations webpage.

Action Items
Prepare for Open Enrollment

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