Youth Healthcare Professions Summit at UVA Health Prince William Medical Center
UVA Health Prince William Medical Center hosted the UVA Health Youth Healthcare Professions Summit on Aug. 5, welcoming 65 students to the daylong event. These participants included teens from the UVA Health Prince William and Haymarket Summer Teen Program and college-age volunteers from UVA Health. The program was designed to inspire this generation of students and volunteers to continue expanding their knowledge and interest in the healthcare profession. The event aimed to provide hands-on experience in various hospital professions and offer an opportunity to get their hands on equipment and experience everyday challenges.
The day began with check-in at 8:30 a.m. with students rotating through a series of interactive simulation stations every 30 minutes. The program concluded at 4:30 p.m., but many students and staff were so engaged that they stayed afterward to continue discussions and ask questions.
Tori Martin, Director of the Center of Nursing Excellence at UVA Health’s community medical centers and clinics in northern Virginia and Culpeper, spearheaded the summit. Martin explained, "The last time we held a summit was in 2016 for rising middle school students. While it was very successful, this time we wanted to focus more on clinical education and to give back to the kids in our summer program and college-age volunteers. To be able to expand their view of all the opportunities within the hospital was exciting. We were thrilled to see 65 students attend and hope to expand the program next year."
The summit featured a variety of simulation stations designed to immerse attendees in the healthcare field. The hospital staff dedicated their time over several months, in addition to their daily activities, to help develop these interactive stations that would engage and intrigue the students. Each station was designed for a half-hour rotation before moving to the next experience. Students received a glimpse of different aspects of hospital professionals and their daily routines.
One very popular simulation took place at the helipad with PHI Air Medical Services and the UVA Health transport crew to get up close with the helicopter, ambulance, and crew.
One excited student commented, “My favorite station was the helicopter and ambulance, seeing the different forms of medical treatment outside the hospital and how prepared the team is for the possible scenarios. I didn’t even consider working on a helicopter, but now all I can think about is the helicopter flying out to provide medical attention in the air.”
The emergency department station was also well-received by participants. They worked on a trauma resuscitation simulation.
One attendee stated, "I learned extensive information about each specialty that I could not have gained otherwise. I learned how to properly pack wounds and take care of individuals who have punctured their skin until EMS arrives. Although I hope I don’t have to face a situation like that, I am prepared for it just in case. I also learned that I could work at the hospital as soon as I get my high-school diploma, which I may do now. This experience was very insightful and learned much more important information that I could use in the future."
Another student exclaimed, “I really liked the CPR station, not only did I save him, but I learned how deep you actually have to press down to save him and his heart.”
The Surgical Services station navigated the sterile field along with donning and doffing sterile personal protective equipment (PPE).
The Rehab Medicine assessments and simulation showed participants how vestibular glasses and various adaptation aids are used for occupational and physical therapy services.
"I liked the PT station because I used to do PT, but this station helped me realize the true scope of the role of a physical therapist. I think the activities were really helpful in promoting empathy among future leaders in healthcare to understand the challenges that patients go through and live with every day," said one of the students in attendance. Another commented, “My favorite station was occupational therapy. I loved doing the relays on crutches and learning about some of the difficulties some people face.”
The newborn birth simulation with the labor and delivery staff, a station for NICU and respiratory therapy were two of the favorite stations.
"My favorite station was L&D, I loved how involved the nurses were at that station. They were super enthusiastic and entertaining and made it a fun experience. Their passion for what they do really showed and one thing the NICU nurse said was, 'These children are people’s hopes and dreams. It’s our job to take care of them.' That will always stick with me."
Several students mentioned the L&D and NICU nurses were super enthusiastic and made the experience fun while teaching. "I am so looking into working with the neonatal unit!” said one student. “I knew I wanted to work in gynecology and obstetrics — something with birth — but I'm not quite sure what. Now I’m looking to dip my toes into all that!"
Another station included practical applications of the trade in medical equipment with biomedical and clinical engineering staff. One student commented, "I felt illuminated after visiting the biomed engineering station because I have been thinking about majoring in biomedical engineering in college next year and wanted to hear from some real engineers to see what the major is like!"
Lab and microscopic visualization of cells, simulation of blood transfusion, incompatibility/reaction, and specimen collection education was a simulation where a student commented, “I realized that I want to research more into the medical field now, because there are so many careers in the medical field I never knew about. I knew that the medical field was expansive, but it really didn’t click until the summit."
The surgical care station included navigating the sterile field, and donning and doffing sterile PPE.
The intensive care unit station focused on continuous renal replacement therapy. The demonstration led a student to comment, "I learned different career paths that were taken to get where they are now and how different everyone is in their view of medicine. This makes me more hopeful for my future education and makes me want to try things I wouldn’t have normally done."
The day concluded with a follow-up survey in which 56 students participated. Some of the feedback included:
- 55 out of 56 said they are excited about a future in healthcare.
- Students found instructors facilitated learning throughout the simulations and represented their professions well.
- When asked if methods helped them to become excited about investigating a new career in healthcare, 53 agreed.
Congratulations to all the participants and team members who helped make Youth Healthcare Professions Summit 2024 a smashing success.
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