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UVA Health to End Mandatory Pre-Operative COVID Testing for Elective Procedures on June 13

In December 2020, UVA Health introduced protocols for pre-operative COVID testing for all elective procedures in the main operating room and Outpatient Surgery Center (OPSC) to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients while protecting our team members. As vaccination rates increase and the day-to-day COVID case trends continue to improve statewide, UVA Health plans to stop pre-procedural testing of asymptomatic patients beginning Monday, June 13.

At this time, the need for pre-procedural COVD testing for asymptomatic patients will be determined by the attending physician (or designee) with discussion and input from the patient or guardian and based on the patient’s medical history and the type of surgery/procedure scheduled.

Attending physicians (or designees) should review all patients scheduled for surgery to identify who will need asymptomatic pre-procedure COVID testing (see standard work and the Epic tip sheet).

Please share this information and new standard work with your clinic teams.   

Thank you for your ongoing dedication to our patients and communities, and for your partnership as we adjust our protocols to provide the highest quality care for all.


Reid Adams, MD, FACS
Chief Medical Officer


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